Displaying 1 - 10 of 234.
The interview with Dr Amr Assad Khalil [ʿAmrū Asʿad Khalīl] is a journey to Moscow of the 80’s through the eyes of an Egyptian, a monologue of memory, a life story and warm conversation of two with the hum of a hard-working ventilator in the back.  Dr. Asʿad speaks about his anti-Israeli activities...
In his address before the imāms and preachers on Thursday (October 25), President Mursī said the Ummah (Nation) will never rise without a conviction, as if the Egyptian society has never known convictions and faiths before the Muslim Brotherhood made their way to power.
A quarrel erupted on August 22 between Islamists and leftists following Dr. ‘Isām ‘Iryān’s attack on the latter.  ‘Iryān, acting leader of the Freedom and Justice Party, accused leftists of receiving foreign funds and acting superior towards the people. (Ahmad ‘Alām, al-Misrī al-Yawm, August 23, p...
Al-Misrī al-Yawm carries an article by Dr. Rif'at al-Sa'īd of the National Progressive Unionist Party, who says: “To the respectable Dr. Muhammad Mursī: Since your assumption of the presidency attacks on our brother Copts have increased alarmingly, without there being a genuine and decisive...
Both al-Tagamu’ and al-Mu’tamar political parties decided to endorse al- Sīsī in the coming presidential race. 
Meanwhile, Dr. Muhammad Badī’, the Murshid (Guide) of the Muslim Brotherhood, received on Sunday (July 8) acting patriarch of the Coptic Orthodox Church Bishop Pachomius and his delegation. Badī’ asserted during the meeting that Egypt’s progress will be at the hands of all its sons, as has been the...
On the other hand, Chairman of the Teachers’ Syndicate Ahmad al-Halawānī, who is also a member of the constituent assembly drafting a new constitution for Egypt, said that there will be no change to Article 19 of the 1971 Constitution that read “religious education syllabus is a basic subject”. [...
On the other hand, Chairman of the Teachers’ Syndicate Ahmad al-Halawānī, who is also a member of the constituent assembly drafting a new constitution for Egypt, said that there will be no change to Article 19 of the 1971 Constitution that read “religious education syllabus is a basic subject”. [...
Meanwhile, Dr. Muhammad Badī’, the Murshid (Guide) of the Muslim Brotherhood, received on Sunday (July 8) acting patriarch of the Coptic Orthodox Church Bishop Pachomius and his delegation. Badī’ asserted during the meeting that Egypt’s progress will be at the hands of all its sons, as has been the...
The salafī al-Nūr Party caused a crisis over its attacks on Grand Shaykh of the Azhar Dr. Ahmad al-Tayīb for his position to keep Article II of the Constitution unchanged and reject the inclusion of an explanation of the word ‘principles’ in the same article. [Reviewer’s Note: Article II of the...


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