Displaying 1 - 10 of 16.
There was much surprise in the U.S. at Egyptian President Muhammad Mursī’s recent shake-up of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) leadership. The Los Angeles Times suggests that this proves him ‘a better political tactician than many had believed’ [Rīm ‘Abd al-Latīf, Egypt president's...
The article sheds light on Los Angeles Times report on the recent report released by Egypt’s National Council for Human Rights.
While the uproar in the wake of the first attack against the Abū Fānā monastery continues, monks were again attacked and stoned by people from the tribal communities. Heated discussions and debates on the issue are still being reported in the media. Muslims accuse the monks of killing a young man...
Arab-West Report presented a text for Wikipedia on the background of Abu Fana.
Media frequently manipulate headlines in an effort to present stories in the context they desire. Headlines are also frequently sensationalized in an effort to attract a larger number of readers, but if this also distorts a story this should be questioned. The article provides examples from AP.
On August 2, 1997 the L.A Times published an alleged claim of Christians being tortured in Pakistan, but at the same time, nothing was mentioned about the confirmed massacres perpetrated daily by Israel, protected by the right of veto. On August 14, 1997, the same newspaper published an...
The author analyzes the views of the west on Islam, Muslims, the Prophet Muhammad and the Qur’ān and refers to recent examples of U.S. torture and mistreatment of Muslims in contrast to the ways in which Muslim leaders have historically treated Christians according to high standards.
Robin Wright, the head of diplomatic correspondents in the Los Angeles Times, wrote the book of “The Wrath of Militant Islam” in which she analyzed the September 11 attacks. She wrote that Islam is the most tolerant religion and that both America and Ben Laden distorted the meaning of jihad in...
Some journals, partisan and independent, fuel events and distort the facts in a way that does not respect the margin of freedom they have been given. They call the victims of their anarchist demonstrations martyrs.
A Yemeni extremist killed three American missionaries on December 30, 2002, in a Southern Baptist hospital in Yemen. He was quoted as saying he killed the Americans to cleanse his religion and get closer to Allah. The murder triggered Western commentaries about the role of Western missionaries in...


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