It is our wish that material from Arab-West Report appears in different languages. A first start has been made with a German short version.
If you want texts from Arab-West Report to appear in your language, please send us a proposal including:
- Format; summary translations of the work of AWR, publications about specific themes (mention which), etc.
- Suggestions about organizations who could fund your proposal, including translation and publication of material from Arab-West Report and provide qualified workers (volunteers or not) to put this into practice. Arab-West Report does not have the means to finance such projects. This would have to be entirely financed in countries interested.
Selections of our material could be well used for students at universities, Christian organizations who want to understand Islam and Muslim-Christian relations, dialogue groups, etc.
Arab-West Report can give permission to use its material (please see for copyright ) but only on condition that that use does not violate the aims and mission statement of Arab-West Report.