Displaying 21 - 30 of 31.
Subtitles: * Sadat ruled him out of the vote for a new Pope and then later gave him three hundred fidans in the desert. * He was the first monk to have a university qualification and Pope Shenouda was one of his followers in the monastery. * He said to me that Sadat’s eyes were red when he got...
This article gives an overall view of the history of Egypt, concentrating on the contribution of the Copts to the political and public life of Egyptian society, which varied depending on the type of government in power at each period.
What happened lately in Al-Kosheh has shaken the whole Egyptian entity and made everybody worry about the future of Egypt. Very honestly, what happened was the result of the general atmosphere of Egypt lately, which produced a huge amount of violence and hatred.
At the beginning of the symposium, the attendees stood for a minute of mourning for the martyrs of Al-Kosheh. Mr. Hussein Mansour began by saying that speaking of minorities and majorities is an expression of the failure to find a political majority. Then, he reviewed the eras of the ups and downs...
It seems that Egypt’s enemies do not want us to enjoy peace. They want to mess around as they like and interfere when they like... We have to call for a national conference in order to be able to face the new plans supported by America and Britain. We should be alert to what is published in the...
The author briefly outlines the nationalist cooperation and generally peaceful coexistence of Muslims and Christians in Egypt over the last century. Yet in view of certain repeated accusations of Coptic Christians he asks the questions: Is there a deterioration in the principle of citizenship that...
The author claims that Christians have more holidays than Muslims and thus the author opposes the request of a Coptic priest to recognize the Coptic new year as an official holiday.
Throughout Islam’s 1400 years in Egypt, the nation has witnessed the cohesiveness of its national fabric and solidarity between Muslims and Christians.
A brief overview of the Governorate of Sharqeyya and its people. It is the birth place of Ahmed ’Orabi1 and of many important notables of Egyptian society. Located at Egypt’s north-eastern frontier, it has been the only route for invading Egypt from the East since the days of the Hyksos. It has...
The well-known director of the Ibn Khaldoun Institute sees the government has taken a few positive steps to improve the situation of the Copts.


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