Displaying 251 - 260 of 292.
This file is about the Muslim Brotherhood. It contains a number of articles on the Brotherhood that discuss the future awaiting them, the problems of transforming into a party, changes within the group and other issues.
The outlawed Muslim Brotherhood has rejected accusations of being a terrorist group, stressing its desire to serve Egypt’s interests and to achieve security and stability in the country. - See art. 6: Who rules the Azhar…the Grand Imam or the US ambassador?! - See art. 12: Sectarian strife or...
In an interview with Al-Musawwar magazine, the Brotherhood’s supreme guide, Muhammad Mahdi Akef presented a contract between the Brotherhood and the Journalists’ Syndicate in which it was written that the Brotherhood would rent the hall for a couple of hours to present its statement concerning...
Recently, Rifa’at Al-Sa’id published a book titled “Al-Erhab Al- Mut’aslim…Lemaza?… Mata?…Ela eyn?” [Islamized Terrorism: Why? When? To Where?] in which he attacks the group fiercely. Al-Sa’id also mentions some of the principles that have ruled the Brotherhood, and that allow murdering a...
The professor of Philosophy and Islamic Doctrine at the Azhar University Dr. Sa’ad Eddin Saleh states in his book titled “Al-Ekhwan Al-Muslimoun…ela Ayn?" [The Muslim Brotherhood: To Where?] that the problem of the Muslim Brotherhood is the leadership. This problem started after the death of the...
The Higher State Security investigations of members of the new cell of the banned Muslim Brotherhood revealed that a number of the leaders in the group made use of some NGOs to collect donations of LE3 million. The money will be used to support their candidates in the coming People’s Assembly...
The Higher State Security Prosecutor in Egypt said yesterday that members of the banned Muslim Brotherhood were arrested a day earlier for planning to overthrow the regime by force and to establish an Islamic Caliphate. Security forces arrested 54 members, including Muslim Brotherhood leaders in...
Ayman Al-Zawahri accused the Muslim Brotherhood of avoiding jihad and negativity in his book "Fersan taht rayet el-nabiy" [Knights under the Flag of the Prophet]. The article gives the comments of the leaders and prominent members of the Muslim Brotherhood on that accusation.
An expert in Al-Ahram Political and Strategic Studies Center said that the concept of political Islam appeared in the mid-seventies due to an American study on the Iranian Revolution and Khomeini. He added that Islamic groups are divided into two sections, namely, Islamic religious movements and...
Misunderstanding the nature of the Islamic authority and judging Islam in the light of what happened to Christianity are the two reasons behind misunderstanding the relationship between Islam and secularism. Acknowledging the freedom of belief and thought, refusing the idea of the religious...


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