Displaying 1 - 9 of 9.
Background: In an FPA press conference, ʿAlī ʿUthmān Ṭaha, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sudan (1995-1998) elaborates on the achievements of the government since the 1989 coup. He gives an opening statement and then answers to questions related to the country's relations with other countries...
The article sheds light on the role of the American Committee for Religious Freedom in the crystallization of the Machakos protocol between the Sudanese president Omar Al-Bashir and the southern separatist John Garang. It also highlights the religious dimension of the American political discourse.
A critique of the Egyptian government’s handling of the Sudanese refugees protesting in Cairo.
Ibrāhīm al-Qibtī criticizes Mustafa Bakrī’s suspicions of Israel and the international conspiracy theory.
Reuters reported that on February 24 a representative from the church of Canterbury , Andrew White, played a central role in bridging the gap between Sunna and Shiites leaders and their relation to the coalition forces. I felt sadness because our institutions did not do their duty. I am not blaming...
More than 50 Christians were lashed, after a court decision, because they demonstrated about the cancellation of the Easter mass that was supposed to be performed in Al-Saha Al-Khadra’a [The green field]. The court’s ruling was immediately implemented. An appeal will be made although it will take...
Catholic leaders from Nairobi issued a statement in which they described the war in southern Sudan as tragic and unethical. Supporters of the popular movement of Colonel John Garang described the statement as taking sides and not being precise. Government supporters said the statement can be the...
Subtitles: ° Europe expels peaceful immigrants and here we allow them to exhaust our utilities and attack us. ° An incident in the Ahmed Said Street, Abbassia, a quarter of Cairo, tolls the warning bells for the refugee and immigrant problem in Egypt. ° They harass our women and smoke bango [a kind...
In the previous parts of this debate Maurice Sadek, President of the center of Human Rights and National Unity had accused the Egyptian government of being racist and has asked for its resignation. Sadek continued in this part his dialogue on the religious persecution law that he describes as an...
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