

List of persons names (and their functions) used in AWR-Articles

(Click on name to display relevant articles)

Name Function
Ibn ʿĀmal al-Niẓāfa
Ibn ʿArabī

Sufi philosopher

Ibn ʿAsākir‎

wrote one of the most important books about the Islamic history of syria, covering the the life of important figueres who lived or visited Damascus, including the assessment of hadith. 


Ibrāhīm al-Nāsikh
Ibrahim [Ibrāhīm Sulaymān]
Ibrāhīm (Prophet)
Ibrahim Abouleish (Dr.)
Ibrāhīm Abū al-ʿAysh
Ibrāhīm Abū ʿAwf
Ibrāhīm al-Baḥrāwī (Dr.)

professor of Jewish History at the University of Cairo, Egypt

Ibrāhīm al-Fayyūmī (Shaykh)

Secretary general of Islamic Research Academy

Ibrāhīm al-Hilbāwi Bey
Ibrāhīm al-Hinaydī

Head of Parliament’s Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee.

Ibrāhīm al-Huḍaybī [Ibrahim El-Houdaiby]
Ibrāhīm al-Jamal

General Director of al-Azhar Preaching, Head of the Fatwa Committee and Secretary-General of the Egyptian Family House in Alexandria

Ibrāhīm al-Khūlī (Dr.)

Muslim scholar; member of the Front-Azhar scholars; professor of rhetoric, literature and criticism

Ibrāhīm al-Maṣrī

Officer (Egypt)

Ibrāhīm al-Sayyād [Head of the news sector of Egyptian state's Radio& TV building]
Ibrāhīm al-Saʿadanī
Ibrāhīm al-Yāzijī
Ibrāhīm al-Zaʿafarānī (Dr.)

Leading figure of the Muslim Brotherhood; Secretary-General of Medical Doctors’ Syndicate in Alexandria

Ibrāhīm Aṣlān

Editor-in-chief of the series Āfāq cArabiyyah; Novelist

Ibrahim El Bakraoui

One of the suicide attackers, 29 years old, at Zaventem Airport, Brussels, March 22, 2016. According to Trouw Newspaper, March 23, felt hunted by the police, thus choosing a suicide attack over being arrested.

Ibrāhīm Fahmī Hilāl (Dr.)

Founder of the Coptic Nation Group (1954)

Ibrāhīm Faltas‎ (Father)

head of the (Catholic) custodian priory of Jerusalem

Ibrāhīm Fawzī

Christian, accused of killing Khalīl Muhammad Ibrāhīm Abu Qureen on May 31, 2008

Ibrāhīm Ghūsha (Eng.)

Member of the Political Bureau of the Islamic Resistance Movement Ḥamās

Ibrāhīm Ḥabīb (Dr.)
Ibrāhīm Ḥamād [Ibrahim Hamad]

General Major with Egyptian police’s intelligence services, Governor of Assiut for a short period after the January 25, 2011, revolution and appointed again in August 2013

Ibrāhīm Hanīdī (Chancellor)

Minister of transitional justice

Ibrāhīm Hooper

Spokesperson of the Council on American-Islamic Relations

Ibrāhīm Ḥusayn ʿAbd al-Ḥādī ʿīdārūs

London-based Egyptian fundamentalist

Ibrāhīm Isḥaq

Film Producer

Ibrāhīm Isḥāq Sidrāk (Patriarch)

Coptic Catholic Bishop of Minya in Upper Egypt for 10 years and Patriarch since 2009

Ibrāhīm Jāb Allāh

Author; Journalist for Rose al-Yussuf

Ibrāhīm Khalīl

Assistant Editor-in-Chief of Rose Al-Youssef Magazine

Ibrāhīm Khūraysha (Ambassador)

Palestinian ambassador

Ibrāhīm Maḥlab [Ibrahim Mahlab]

Prime Minister of Egypt, March 1, 2014 – September 19, 2015

Ibrāhīm Mīkhāʾīl (Father)

Priest of Mar Mina Church in Ṭaḥā al-Acmidah / Samallūṭ / Minya; Died in a car accident in 2004

Ibrāhīm Mukhtār (Grand Mufti of Eritrea)

He was the first Grand Muftī of Eritrea. He died in 1969. 

Ibrāhīm Nāfiʿ (Mr.)

President of the Arab Journalist Union; Chairman of Arab Anti-Discrimination Organization; Former Chairman of Al-Ahrām newspaper

Ibrāhīm Nawār
Ibrāhīm Negm

Secretary General of Fatwa Authorities Worldwide and an adviser to the Mufti of Egypt

Ibrāhim Pasha
Ibrāhīm Qāʿūd


Ibrāhīm Qumaḥī (Dr.)
Ibrāhīm Rabīʿ
Ibrahim Sabri Mo’awad [Ibrāhīm Ṣabrī Muʿawwaḍ]

Coptic amateur historian who was active in the 1990s with a focus on the Holy Family tradition. He has passed away.

Ibrāhīm Ṣāliḥ (Dr.)

Lawyer; Former deputy president of the Court of Appeal; Head of the defense team of Sacd al-Dīn Ibrāhīm; supporter of al-Ghad Party

Ibrāhīm Ṣaʿada (Mr.)

Journalist; Former Chief editor of Akhbār al-Yawm newspaper; Former Chairman of Akhbār al-Yawm house

Ibrāhīm Shiḥātah (Dr.)

Late Vice-President of the World Bank; First Director-General of the OPEC Fund

Ibrāhīm Shukrī (Eng.)

Politician; Former Minister; Founder of the Labor Party

Ibrāhīm Taqī Riyāḍ

Brother of Father Mina, allegedly kidnapped during the attack and remains missing, ʿAlāʾ Hassānayn stated he converted to Islam ten years ago and presented a photo of him in an outfit that appears to be Muslim. ʿAlāʾ Hassānayn suggested that he could be interviewed in Alexandria where he now lives.

Ibrāhīm Taqlā
Ibrāhīm Yaḥyā [Ibrahim Yahia]

Pharmacology student, son of Ahmed Waleed al-Sheikh. Ibrahim Yahia was portrayed over and over on 15 different TV channels in 2013, confessing to having had weapons and participating in an attack on the police that cost the life of a low-level officer (one of many 'confession videos’ that had been broadcast on TV) following the dispersal of the Raba’a Al-Adawiya sit-in.

Ibrāhīm Zakī Andrawus

Married muslim girl (Rana Hatim) from Al wasta and travelled to turkey

Ibrahīm `Īsa ‎
Ibrāhīm ʿAbd al-Sayyid (Father)

Late Coptic Orthodox priest; Defrocked by Pope Shenouda; Author

Ibrāhīm ʿAbd al-ʿĀṭī [ Ibrahim Abdel Atti]

Egyptian scientist who claimed to have invented a machine that is able to heal AIDS and Hepatitis C with the help of god 

Ibrāhīm ʿAbdīn
Ibrāhīm ʿAlī Sharaf al-Dīn

Egyptian Muslim man who converted to Christianity and moved to Kenya in 1988 and returned to Egypt in 1994 volunatrily.

Ibrāhīm ʿĀṭā al-Fayyūmī

Secretary general of the Islamic Research Academy

Ibrāhīm ʿAwaḍ (Dr.)
Ibrāhīm ʿAzār (Bishop)


Ibrāhīm ʿĪssā [Ibrahim Eissa] (Egyptian Journalist)

Journalist; Editor-in-chief of Al-Dustūr newspaper

IbrāhƯm Tiqi Riad
IbrāhƯm Tiqi Riad; Ramy Rafiq
Ibrām (62nd. Coptic Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria)
Ibrām (Bishop of al-Fayyoum)

Bishop of Al-Fayyoum

Ibrām Imīl (Abram Emil), new undersecretary of the Coptic Orthodox papacy‎

appointed late 2018

Ibrām Wanīs ʿAṭāʾ Allāh (Father)

responsible for Izbet Jalilah, Beni Hallah, Halyah, Izbet Baramik

Ibrām Wanīs ʿAṭāʾ Allāh (Father) Andrāwus Ḥabīb Buqṭur (Father) Dāwūd Ghaṭās Ayyūb (Sr.
Ibrām [Abra'am] (Father of Muharraq Monastery in Assiut)
Ibrāhīm Isḥāq (Father)

the Patriarch of the Catholic Church at the Cathedral of the Virgin in Nasr City in Cairo 

IbrƗhƯm Muhammad Mustafá IbrƗhƯm cƮsá
Ibtihāl Aḥmadī Yūnus (Dr.)

Professor at Cairo University; Wife of Naṣr Ḥāmid Abū Zayd

Ibtisām al-Jindī

Journalist, particpated in a roundtable discussion initiated by AWR on the amendment of Art. 2 of the Constitution (see AWR-Paper Nr. 40).


Idi Amin [ʿĪdī Amīn Dādā] (President)

The third President of Uganda, ruling from 1971 to 1979

Idrīs Tawfīq

Tawfiq, a Roman Catholic priest before his conversion to Islam, continues to write for many newspapers and journals around the world, including the Middle East Times.

Idwār Ghālī al-Dahabī

A Coptic Egyptian writer

Ieronymos II Archbishop of Athens

The Archbishop of Athens and all Greece, and the head of the Greek Orthodox Church

Ignác Goldziher [Ignaz Goldziher]

Ignaz Goldziher was a Hungarian Orientalist who is considered as the founder of  modern Arabic Islamic Studies alongside the German Theodor Noeldeke and the Dutch Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje

Ignatius Aphrem II
Ihāb al-Kharāṭ

chairman of Shūrá Council’s Human Rights Committee

Ihāb al-Sharīf (Dr.)

Egyptian ambassador in Iraq, Kidnapped and killed by al-Jamācah al-Islāmīyah

Ihāb al-Zalāqī


Ihāb Badawī
Ihab Elsherif
Ihāb Fatḥī

Author; Journalist

Ihāb Fawzī

Egypt’s ambassador to the EU in Brussels

Ihāb Hijāzī


Ihāb Jūda [Ehab Gouda] (Dr.)

Egyptian businessman working with the Chinese-Egyptian Friendship Association

Ihāb Kāmil
Ihāb Rāḍī
Ihāb Ramzī (Lawyer)

Lawyer in the Abū Fānā incident

Ihab RamzƯ
Ihāb Shīḥah

 President of Al Asala party.

Ihāb Shukrī

Translator at AWR; Author

Īhāb Ṣubḥī (Mr.)
Ihāb Yusrī Yāssīn

Islamist militant suspected in the 7 April bombing by the Khan al-Khalili bazaar, blew himself near the Cairo's Egyptian Museum in April 2005
