

List of persons names (and their functions) used in AWR-Articles

(Click on name to display relevant articles)

Name Function
Ihāb Zakariyyā

a member of the Egyptian Senate

Ihāb ʿAbd al-Ḥamīd


Iḥsān ʿAbd al-Quddūs

Prominent Egyptian writer and novelist

Ikhlāṣ ʿAṭā Allāh


Ikrām Fahīm Ghābiyyūs

ʿUmda of the predominantly Christian village al-Saraqnā, from 1978 to 2009.

Ikrām Lamʿī (Rev., Dr.)

Director of the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo

Ikrāmī Saʿad


Ilan Goldenberg

Director of the Middle East Security Program at the Center for a New American Security

Ilhām Aydarūs
Ilhām Māniʿ [Elham Manea]

Elham Manea is Swiss Yemini writer. She works as a Privatdozentin and specialized on the Middle East, a writer, and a human rights activist.

Ilhām Ṣalāḥ
Ilhāmī Khalīl (Dr.)


Ilhān ʿUmar (Ilhan Omar - US American)

First Muslim Congresswoman (USA), 2018

Ilyās Abū Rāmī [Ilyas Abu Rami]

was reported to have been kidnapped and forced to convert to Islam by the security authorities [Ref. AWR, week 17, art. 20, Arab-West Report, Paper 6, p. 12]

Ilyās al-Hārāwī (President of Lebanon)

Former President of Lebanon 

Ilyās Rashīd
Imad Jad (Lawmaker) (Dr)
Imām al-Rifāʿī (Dr.)
Imam Fadel Sulayman
Imām Muḥammad al-Shāfiʿī

Put the Fundamentalism of Jurisprudence; Qualified and Innovative Scholar; Author

Imām Muḥammad Imām

Author; Journalist

Imān Mamūn
Iman Mersal [Imān Mirsāl]

Egyptian poet and author

Immanuel Kant

The fundamental idea of Kant’s “critical philosophy” – especially in his three Critiques: the Critique of Pure Reason (1781, 1787), the Critique of Practical Reason (1788), and the Critique of the Power of Judgment (1790) – is human autonomy. He argues that the human understanding is the source of the general laws of nature that structure all our experience; and that human reason gives itself the moral law, which is our basis for belief in God, freedom, and immortality.

Īnās Abū Ṭālib

CEO of the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA)

Inas al-Daghaydī (Film Director)
Ingrid Mateson (Dr.)

Female islamic scholar

Injī al-Shazlī‎

first Egyptian veiled ballet dancer-2017

Injī Nājī Idwārd [Engy Nagy Edward]

17 year old woman, allegedly kidnapped and brought back home [Ref. AWR, 2004, week 28, art. 37,38; and AWR, 2004, week 36, art. 28. and: Arab-West Report, Paper 6, p. 15]

Injī ʿĀṭif Kāmil [Engy Atef Kamel]

17 year old woman, allegedly kidnapped by a Muslim man to convert her to Islam, her father accussed a certain Abbas to have kidnapped his daughter [Ref. AWR, 2006, week 47, art. 31 and: Arab-West Report, Paper 6 , p. 14]

Inṣāf ʿĀdil Kāmil
Intiṣār ʿAbd al-Mun’im

Egyptian female author

Iqbāl al-Asyūtī (Ms.)
Iqbāl al-Sibāʿī


Iqbāl Baraka

Author; Journalist; Feminist

Iqbal Sacranie (Dr.)

Former head of the influential Muslim Council of Britain

Iqlādiyyūs Ibrāhīm


Iqrāʾ Khālid (Politician - Canada)
Iraqi Guide
Irenaeus I (Patriarch)

Former patriarch of the Greek Orthodox Church in Jerusalem (2001-2005)

Irina Bokova (Director General of UNESCO)
Irīnī Ṣādiq Mīkhāʾīl

Kidnapped Coptic girl

Irīnī Thābit (Dr.)

Professor of languages at Ain Shams University, particpated in a roundtable discussion initiated by AWR on the amendment of Art. 2 of the Constitution (see AWR-Paper Nr. 40 )


Iris Habīb al-Misrī
Irīs Ḥabīb al-Miṣrī

Coptic historian

Īrīs Nabīl ʿAbd al-Masīḥ
Irmiyāʾ(Jeremiah), (the General Bishop and Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center-COCC)‎
Irshād Manjī [Irshad Manji] (Dr.)

Uganda-born Muslim-Canadian author, journalist and an advocate of reform and progressive interpretation of Islam, director of the Moral Courage Project at New York University

Isa Yusuf Alptekin (Uyghur Political Leader)

An Uyghur Muslim and political leader in China who in 1949 went to Turkey for excile due to the communist takeover by Xinjiang

Isaac (Coptic Patriarch)
Isaac Fanous Yusuf [Izāk Fānūs Yūsuf] (Dr.)

Late Coptic Iconographer

Isaac Newton (Sir)

17th Century English scientist and theologian; Developer of the Law of universal gravitation

Isabella I of Castile (Queen)

Queen of Castile and León (1451-1504); Wife of Ferdinand II of Aragon

Isabella Pereira


Isaiah [Ashaʿyāʾ] (Bishop)
Isaias Afwerki (President of Eritrea)

born February 2, 1946, is the first President of the State of Eritrea, a position he has held since its independence in 1993.

Isḥāq al-Ḥūaynī
Isḥāq Farīd


Isḥāq Ḥannā

Secretary-General of the Egyptian Enlightenment Association, member of the Coptic Laymen Group, secular Christian thinker

Isḥāq Hilāl (Father)

He was a priest  in Sohag who converted to Islam. 

Isḥāq Ibrāhīm [Ishak Ibrahim]

Author; Researcher

Isḥāq Ibrahīm ʿAjbān‎
Isḥāq Kāstūr (Father)
Isḥāq Musʿad (Bishop) (Anglican)
Isḥāq Zakī

Christian farmer in Minya governorate who was allegedly prevented from working on his farm by the Muslim terrorists present.

Ishtishhād al-Bannā (Dr.)
Isḥāq Ibrāhīm (Lawyer)
Isis Mahmoud [Īzīs Maḥmūd]

Head of Training and Awareness department at the National Council for Women (NCW)

Iskandar al-Dīk


Islām Abū al-ʿAṭāʾ


Islām al-Biḥayrī [Islam al-Behairy] (Dr.)
Islām Kamāl

Author; Journalist for Rose al-Yūsuf magazine

Islām ʿAfīfī
Ismail de Coursac

Former board member of the Foreign Press Association

Ismail Keskin

MA in History

Ismāʿīl al-Badīʿ
Ismāʿīl al-Diftār (Dr.)

Member of the Islamic Research Academy; Professor at al-Azhar University; Author

Ismāʿīl al-Iskandrānī

researcher & journalist

Ismāʿīl al-Jawsaqī [Ismail El-Gawsaqi] (Governor of Alexandria)

Governor of Alexandria 1986-97.

Ismāʿīl al-Shāʿir
Ismāʿīl Haniya [Ismail Haniyeh] (Former Prime Minister of the Palestinian National Authority)
Ismāʿīl Ḥusnī


Ismāʿīl Ibn ʿUmar Ibn Kathīr

14th Century Islamic scholar and commentator on the Qur'an

Ismāʿīl Jād


Ismāʿīl Muntaṣir

Author, October magazine Editor-in-Chief

Ismāʿīl Pasha (Khedive)

Khedive of Egypt and Sudan (1863-1879)

Ismāʿīl Salām

Minister of Health (Egypt)

Ismāʿīl Ṣidqī (Pāshā, Shaykh)

Former prime minister of Egypt (1930-1933, 1946)

Ismāʿīl Sirāj al-Dīn (Dr.)

Director of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (Since 2002)

Ismāʿīl Washāḥī
Ismāʿīl Yūsuf

Zamalek football team. 

Ismāʿīl ʿUthmān [Ismael Etman] (General)

General of the Security of the Armed Forces (SCAF), controversial because he denied that the military used any living armunition in the clashes of the so-called 'Maspero-Incident' and praised the coverage of the incident by state television - which was extremely one-sided and biased (pro-SCAF)

İsmet İnönü [ʿAṣmat Īnūnū] (President of Turkey)

(reg. 1938-1950)

Israel Abuhatzeira [Abū Ḥaṣīra] (Rabbi)
Israel Shahak (Dr.)

Polish-born Israeli professor of Chemistry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Political thinker; Author; President of the Israeli League for Human and Civil Rights (1970-1990)

Isrāʾ Gharīb

A young Palestinian girl killed in Egypt

Isrāʾ ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ
Isṭfānūs I [Stephanus I] (Coptic Catholic Patriarch of Alexandria)

Coptic Catholic Patriarch of Alexandria (1958-1986)

Isṭfānūs II Ghaṭṭās [Stephanus II Ghattas] (Patriarch of the Coptic Catholic Church of Alexandria, Cardinal)

Late head of the Coptic Catholic Church in Egypt

Isṭfānūs Isḥāq [Stephanus Isaac] (Father)
