Displaying 11 - 20 of 217.
Background: The interview with Majdī Hussaīn, the Editor-in-Chief of al-Shaʿb magazine and an Islamic political activist, and an Islamic Īmam revolves around the case of Naṣr Ḥāmid Abū Zayd, a liberal Islamic thinker who was accused of apostasy, and the issue of the tunnel created upon the decision...
Background: Maḥjūb al-Tijānī is the president of the Sudan Human Rights Organisation in the branch of Cairo and Ḥamūd Fātḥā al-Raḥman, the secretary general of the same organization, discuss the atrocities of the al-Turābī/al-Bashīr regime, and the means by which the Sudanese people are dealing...
Background: Dr. Naṣr Ḥāmid Abū Zayd (10.7.1943–5.7.2010) was an Egyptian Qurʾānic thinker and scholar. He is famous for his contextual interpretations of the Qurʾān, which sparked a lot of controversy amongst fundamentalist Islamic thinkers. In May 1992, Abū Zayd was in a position to get a...
Background: The Muslim Brotherhood (al-Ikhwān al-Muslimīn) is an international Sunni Islamist group founded by Ḥasan al-Bannā in 1928. Although, originally the movement claimed to be against violence, it has been accused of many alleged terrorist attacks, and is banned in Egypt as well as...
Background: Father Christiaan van Nispen tot Sevenaer (15.3.1938 – 12.5.2016), often known as Father van Nispen, was a Jesuit priest, who is strongly involved in dialogue with Muslims. He says not to feel at all oppressed as a Christian in Egypt by Islamic militant groups, but argues instead that...
In March 2007, a referendum changed several articles of the Egyptian Constitution.
The popular image of Salafī Muslims in Egypt is of a lower-class, older generation, perhaps limited in educational achievement. This is not their fault, many might patronizingly sympathize, as President Mubarak is blamed for letting the school system rot to keep the population ignorant, poor, and...
This book was first published in 2012 by CIDT in Arabic. It was later translated into English, expanded with texts of Nushin Atmaca and Patricia Prentice and edited by Cornelis Hulsman with help of Jenna Ferrecchia and Douglas May.


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