Displaying 11 - 20 of 204.
In his address before the imāms and preachers on Thursday (October 25), President Mursī said the Ummah (Nation) will never rise without a conviction, as if the Egyptian society has never known convictions and faiths before the Muslim Brotherhood made their way to power.
The Salafi Front called for an Islamic Revolution under the name “A Revolt of the Muslim Youth” at the end of the current month, without specifically prohibiting the use of weapons. However, Salāh ʿAbd al-Maʿabūd a member of the high commission of the Nūr party said the effect of the Salafi Front...
An article appeared in Tahrīr stating that the late Sayyid Qutb, main ideologue of the Muslim Brotherhood, was a freemason.
A split faction of the Muslim Brotherhood announced its intention to form a new political party “Free Justice”.
“The Falcons of Qutb” led by leaders who have broken off from the Muslim Brotherhood have issued a document called the “The Organization of Resistance”. This document acts as a revision to the idea of peaceful change. They have demanded, in an official statement, that the Muslim Brotherhood discard...
A group of youth of the Muslim Brotherhood joined forces with a group from Hāzimūn movement and called themselves “Falcons of Qutb” (with reference to extremist thinker Sayyīd Qutb). The group called for dispensing with peacefulness in resistance to what they called the military coup in Egypt (...
Writing in 1999 for al-Usbūʿ newspaper, Hānī Zayyāt and Muṣṭafā Sulaymān expressed the
The simultaneous bombing of the churches in Alexandria and in Ṭanṭā shocked everyone who is aware of the evil plan to attack Egypt through murder. For the war against terrorism has been raging on in Sinai for years and the Egyptian army has been thoroughly outworn as a result.
The Observatory for Takfīrī Fatwās and Extremist Thought, associated with Dār al-Iftā’, affirmed that the clash between terrorist organizations has worsened. Every organization is trying to surpass, and destroy, the other. This clash has transformed into a hostile phenomenon that has spread...
Researcher Islām Biḥayrī described discussions about reconciliation with the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood as “the crisis of all crises,” from which Egypt and the surrounding region would not recover again. In a long interview with al-Dustūr, Biḥayrī said: the Brotherhood got a proper chance to...


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