List of persons names (and their functions) used in AWR-Articles
(Click on name to display relevant articles)
Name | Function |
Ṭāriq Shawqī (Egyptian Minister of Education) |
The current minister of education in Egypt. He was the Dean of the School of Sciences and Engineering at the American University in Cairo. |
Ṭāriq Shukrī (Heliopolis and Naṣr City MP) | |
Ṭāriq Shʿalān (al-Nūr Party) |
Owner and CEO of el-Nur TV channel in 2013. |
Ṭāriq Yānnī | |
Ṭāriq Zaghlūl (EOHR) | |
Ṭāriq ʿAbd Allāh |
Author |
Ṭāriq ʿAbduh [Tarek Abdou] | |
Ṭāriq ʿAllām |
Police officer, allegedly in charge of ʾIrīnī Ṣādiq's reported kidnapping and conversion to Islam.
Ṭāriq ʿAzīz |
Iraqi Foreign Minister (1983–1991); Deputy Prime Minister (1979–2003) |
Taslīma Nasrīn [Taslima Nasrin] |
Bangladeshi writer; Feminist |
Tawāḍrūs II {Wajīh Ṣubḥī Bāqī Sulaymān} [Tawadros II {Wagih Subhy Bakki Suleiman}] (Coptic Orthodox Pope) | |
Tawfīq al-Ḥakīm |
Prominent Egyptian writer (1898-1987) |
Tawfīq al-Shāwī (Dr.) |
Member of the founding committee of the Muslim Brotherhood; Law Professor |
Tawfīq al-Sudayrī (Deputy Minister of Religious Affairs - KSA) | |
Tawfīq Bāshā [Tewfik Pasha] (Khedive) |
Khedive of Egypt and Sudan (1879-1892) |
Tawfīq Daws (Pasha) |
Early 20th Century Egyptian minister of agriculture and land reclamation; Coptic activist |
Tawfīq Ḥamīd (Dr.) |
Egyptian author; Former member of al-Jamācah al-Islāmiyyah |
Tawfīq Jamāl (Pastor) |
previously the pastor of Church of God of Prophecy and then he looked after the Maadi Garden Church |
Tawfīq ʿUkāsha [Tawfik Okasha] |
an Egyptian television presenter as owner and principal anchor of the satellite political-commentary channel Faraeen (also Al Fara'een) |
Taymūr Muṣṭafā |
Chairman of the Administrative Prosecution Authority |
Taysīr al-Tamīmī (Dr., Shaykh) |
Chief justice of the Palestinian Sharīcah Courts |
Taysīr Mandūr (Dr.) |
Head of Physiology at the Azhar University (Cairo): Member of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs; Member of the Inter-religious Dialogue Commission |
Terence Nicholas Quick |
Deputy Foreign Minister of Greece |
Teresa Kidane (Sister) | |
Terry Jones (Pastor) |
Pastor in a Church in Florida, Gainsville |
Thābit ʿAbd Allāh (Dr.) |
Iraqi scholar |
Thābit ʿĪd (Dr.) |
Egyptian researcher at University of Zurich (Switzerland) |
Thanāʾ al-Karrās |
Journalist; Author; Islamic thinker |
Thanāʾ Rustum |
Author; Journalist |
Tharayyā Bashʿalānī (Dr.) | |
Tharwat al-Kharabāwī [Tharwat al-Kharbawy] (Dr.) |
Author; Lawyer; Former member of the Muslim Brotherhood |
Tharwat Badawī (Dr.) |
Professor of Constitutional Law; Muslim Brotherhood Member |
Tharwat Bāsīlī [Tharwat Bassily] (Dr.) |
Businessman; Chairman of a Pharmaceutical Company; Member of the Shurá Council |
Tharwat Fatḥī (Dr.) |
Author |
Tharwat Isḥāq (Dr.) |
Head of Sociology at cAyn Shams University (Cairo) |
Tharwat Qādis(Dr. Rev.) |
Chairman of the Council for Dialogue and Ecumenical Relations of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church-Egypt |
Tharwat Ṣalāḥ Shiḥāta |
Core member of Egyptian Islamic Jihād |
Tharwat Shalabī |
Egyptian reporter for al-Ahālī newspaper |
Tharwat ʿAṭā Allāh |
Member of al nour party |
Tharwat ʿUkāsha (Dr.) |
Former Egyptian minister of culture; intellectual; translator |
the Czech Republic’s greatest scholar of Islam. | |
The Grimm Brothers | |
the Hamayouni Edict | |
the philosopher Origen | |
The prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him | |
the Sublime Porte | |
Theo van Gogh (Film Director) |
Dutch film director and journalist; Director of short film Submission (2004). Killed by Muḥammad Bouyeri [Būyirī] (2004). |
Theodor Herzl (Political Activist) |
Father of modern political Zionism; One of the founders of the state of Israel |
Theodore Edgar McCarrick (Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Washington) |
(*1930) American Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church. |
Theodosius I (Greek Orthodox Patriarch) | |
Theofilos [Thāʾūfīlus] (Bishop of Manfalūṭ and Abnūb, Asyūṭ) | |
Theophilos III (Patriarch of Jerusalem) | |
Theophilus (Ethiopian Orthodox Patriarch) | |
Theresa Shākir ʿAbd Allāh |
Tried to convert to Islam |
Theresa ʿAwad [Theresa Awad] |
18-year old woman who disappeared in Beni Suef (October 8 2007, Al-Dustūr), allegedly kidnapped to be forced to convert to Islam, no details or evidence given about the incidence, even die Coptic American Union got involved [Ref. Arab-West Report, Paper 6, p. 15, and: AWR, 2007, week 40, art. 14] |
Thiyyūdūsiyyūs al-Suriyyānī [Theodosius al Suriyani] (Father, Coptic Orthodox Archpriest) |
Author; Coptic Orthodox Archpriest |
Thiyyūfīlus [Theophilus] (Saint, Pope) |
Coptic Orthodox Pope of Alexandria (385-412) |
Thomas (Bishop) | |
Thomas Aquinas (Saint) |
13th Century Italian philosopher; theologian; Catholic Priest |
Thomas Arnold (Dr., Sir) |
British Orientalist (1866-1930); Author |
Thomas Cromwell (Author) |
Former editor-in-chief of Middle Eastern Times; Author |
Thomas Friedman (Journalist) |
US journalist, columnist and multi Pulitzer Prize winning author |
Thomas Georgesian |
Author |
Thomas Merton (Father) |
20th Century U.S. Catholic monk from the Abbey of Gethsemani in Kentucky; Author; Poet; Social Activist |
Thomas Milo (Arabist) | |
Thomas Rosica (Fr.) | |
Thurayyā Bishʿīlānī (Soraya Bechealany), Dr. | |
Tilar de Sheridan (Monk) | |
Tim Cavanaugh (Journalist, Screenwriter) |
American journalist and screenwriter based out of Alexandria, VA. |
Tim Sebastian (Journalist, Novelist) |
former BBC foreign correspondent |
Tim Vivian (Rev., Dr.) |
U.S. Professor in the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at California State University, Bakersfield, specialized in early Christian monasticism; Author |
Tim Wilcox (Journalist) |
Journalist. |
Timothaos [Tīmūthāuʾs] |
bishop of al-Zaqāzīq and Minya al-Qamḥ |
Timotheos Samuel Aktaş (Bishop of Tur Abdin) |
Syrian-Orthodox Bishop of the Tur Abdin in Turkey |
Timothy C. Morgan (Editor) |
Deputy Managing Editor of Christianity Today magazine |
Timothy Garton Ash (Historian) |
Timothy Garton Ash is a historian, political writer and Guardian columnist. |
Timothy John Winter [Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad] (Dr.) |
a British Sunni Muslim Shaykh |
Timothy McVeigh | |
Timothy McVeigh (Domestic Terrorist) |
U.S. army veteran; Detonated a truck bomb in Oklahoma City (USA) on April 19, 1995, killing 168 people |
Tīmūthāwus (Coptic Orthodox Assistant Bishop) |
Coptic Orthodox Assistant Bishop of al-Qūṣīyah and Mīr; Assistant to Bishop Thomas |
Tīmūthāwus Āfā Mīnā (Monk) | |
Tīrīzā Ayyād [Teresa Ayyad] |
allegedly converted to Islam [ Ref. AWR, 2005, week 11, art. 13 and: Arab-West Report, paper 6, p.6] |
Tīrīzā Ghaṭṭās Kāmil Jirjis [Teresa Ghattas Kamil Girgis] |
On February 2, 2006, Al-Fajr published that Teresa Ghattās Kāmil Girgis was a victim of forced conversion to Islam [AWR, 2006, week 6, art. 7] |
Tīrīzā Kamāl |
Author |
Tīrīzā Shakir |
A young muslim woman that allegedly run away and converted to Islam whereby it is unclear whether she was forced or not. She, her parents and two siblings were murdered after she returned home. One of her brother was accussed of the murder without adjudication [Mona Feise, 08.02.16] |
Tito Orlandi |
Italian-German Coptologist |
Titus Flavius Josephus [Josephus] (Historian) |
Classical writer; Jewish historian |
Tjipto Mangoenkoesoemo (Indonesian Independence Leader) |
leader Indische Partij (Indian/Indonesian Party) prior to the Indonesian independence.
Toine van Teeffelen (Dr.) |
Development Director at Bethlehem's Arab Educational Institute; Author |
Tom Hanks (Actor) |
American actor; producer; writer and director |
Tom Lantos (U.S. Representative) |
Democratic member of the U.S. House of Representatives from California (1981-2008) |
Tomasz P. "Tom" Malinowski (U.S. Diplomat) | |
Tomaž Grušovnik (Dr.) |
Dr. Tomaž Grušovnik, Faculty of Education, University of Primorska, Slovenia |
Tony Barber (Writer) |
writer for Financial Times (UK) |
Tore Bjørgo (Prof.) | |
Trish Prentice (Editor) |
Former English editor for AWR |
Truus Wierdsma (M.D.) |
a Dutch medical doctor who lives and works with other Christian medical staff in a government hospital in Ṣaʿada, northern Yemen, speaks about the kidnapping of the Koolstra family |
Tuhāmī Muntaṣir (Journalist) |
Author; Journalist |
Tūjān al-Fayṣal [Toujan al-Faisal] (Activist, Member of Parliament) |
(*1948) Jordan's first female member of Parliament (1993-1997) |
Tumā [Thomas} (Bishop of al-Qusiyya) |