Displaying 11 - 20 of 248.
Head of the Egyptian Union for Human Rights Organization, Najīb Jubrā’īl, said that the U.S. and Qatar are interfering in Egyptian affairs to achieve the U.S. interest (to assure Israel’s security) through the dictatorial rule of the MB. He added that Patterson came to open communication with the...
Dr. Hishām al-Hamāmī comments on the Churches' withdrawal in an article entitled: "Who will the Copts choose: Jesus called 'the Christ' or the thief called Barrabas"? In his article, al-Hamāmī compares the Copts protesters against the 'Islamic national' movement with the gentiles who chose to...
Al-Misrīyūn reported that the counselor  of the Coptic Orthodox Church, Ramsīs al-Najār, commented on the new Constitutional declaration of being “a political deception” as some articles (of the new declaration) have been annulled while others remained unchanged. 
Al-Misrīyūn reports, that Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II had contacted Dr. Muhammad al-Barād’ī, head of al-Dustūr Party, and Hamdīn Sabbāhī, former Egyptian presidential candidate, in order to “coordinate the stance of the Church with that of the opposition” after the dialogue meeting that...
Hishām Abāzah, a leading member of the Jihād movement, said that he was an eye witness to events outside the Presidential Palace yesterday (Dec. 6), and claimed that supporters of President Mursī were provoked and attacked by a small number of protestors participating in the sit-in outside the...
Thousands of members of the Muslim brotherhood attended the funerals of three (of their martyrs who died in clashes outside the Presidential Palace on Wednesday (December 5) night. The wife of one of the men, Muhammad Khalaf, accused a Copt of killing her husband, saying that eyewitnesses had...
The Maspero Youth Union and  political groups are calling to grant a clear role in reviewing and censoring publications to Al-Azhar. They say extremist books have been partially responsible for church burnings and have helped fan the flames of sectarian conflict. The MYU wishes to guarantee a very...
 in al-Misrīyūn, page 3, a source from the papal headquarters claimed that Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II had sent instructions to different Coptic unions and called them to assemble in front of the Presidential Palace. 
Al-Misrīyūn reported that there is a consensus in the Church to overthrow President Muhammad Mursī. An anonymous source said that the Church mobilizes Copts to participate in anti-Mursī protests.
The Union of Coptic Organisations has called on Europe to bring down the Egypt’s first elected President. The Union, which was prominent among supporters of Ahmad Shafīq during the presidential elections, said that civil society has to support demonstrators who want President Mursī to stand down...


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