Displaying 31 - 36 of 36.
Salwa Mehrez, one of the 100 prisoners pardoned on Wednesday who had been detained in the Itihadiya Palace protests case, had been freed Saturday Sept 26, after her release had been delayed by prison authorities. The article provides also other names. Ragia Omran from the National Council for Human...
Emad Hassan, a prisoner at the Tora detention facility, died on Friday in what family members and activists have called wilful neglect by prison officials in providing adequate medical care to prisoners. The comments come in light of  a recent National Council for Human Rights (NCHR) report which...
Al-Sisi pardoned 100 young activists and journalist one day before he was set to travel to New York to attend to the UN General Assembly. The decree, officially named No. 386/2015, was quickly branded as an Eid pardon. Most of the activists released were defendants in the following infamous cases:...
Wednesday’s pardon of 100 prisoners by Egypt’s President Abdel-Fattah Al-Sisi is drawing mixed reactions from around the world, even as it focuses renewed attention on the controversial anti-terrorism laws under which some of the released prisoners had been held. The human rights group Amnesty...
Drs. Cornelis Hulsman, Editor-in-Chief of Arab West Report: AWR’s Diana Maher Ghali comments on the number of Christians in Egypt were mentioned in a Daily News Article article. The threats of Bishop Bula (Paul in the article) are not very wise. That he wants modification of Article II of the...
CAIRO: Egypt’s Supreme Administrative Court ruled on Sunday in favor of Christian reconverts, allowing them to be identified as Christians on their national ID cards and birth certificates.


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