Displaying 4511 - 4520 of 5065.
Ayman Nour, the Parliament Member who was accused of forging petitions to form Hizb al-Ghad [Tomorrow Party] was stripped of his parliamentary immunity. It is my position that the developments in his case are mostly media-created (both abroad and locally)
A recent symposium held by the National Council for Women (NCW)’s cultural committee called for making a list of cheap religious books that contain non-credible hadīths [Prophet Muhammad’s saying and tradition] despising women.
Studying violence in the Egyptian society has become a necessity, particularly after law twisting, corruption and hooliganism ran rampant, said Maj. Gen. Ahmad Fakhr, head of the board of trustees of the International Center for Future & Strategic Studies (ICFS).
“See how We prefer one of them above another, and verily the Hereafter will be greater in degrees and greater in preferment.” [Chapter of al-Isrā’ (The Night Journey) 17: 21, The Meaning of the Holy Qurā’n by Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall]. This verse dismisses preferment of the creation on the...
With the death of Prophet Muhammad and Abu Bakr’s hold on the caliphate, Islam simply served as a pretext for the ruler and his decisions and then as a pretext for the clerics serving the rulers. This has blinded Muslims’ understanding of the role of political opposition within their religion.
It is neither proper nor wise of some to explain natural disasters as revenge on the part of Almighty God (e.g., the recent Tsunami disaster that claimed the lives of nearly 300,000 people).
Some odd news items imply deep significances as last week many newspapers around the globe published that Condoleezza Rice has distributed 18 pocket atlases to the journalists escorting her on her first tour of Europe and the Middle East since she assumed her new post as U.S. secretary of state so...
If we scrutinize carefully the verses of the Holy Qur’ān, we will notice that God places men and women on equal footing concerning duties and rights.
A member of the Islamic Research Institute submitted a memorandum to the Follow-Up Committee – which is affiliated with the Institute – concerning a program broadcasted on Cairo Radio in which the host invited a singer who called for composing music for the verses of the Qur’ān.
The German authorities took decisive measures against hard-line groups active on German territories. Police raids and searches in several German provinces and cities in unison resulted in the arrest of 22 Islamist activists, amongst which were five women.


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