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Grand Imām of al-Azhar, Dr. Aḥmad al-Ṭayyīb, expressed sincere wishes for the speedy recovery of Pope Francis of the Roman Catholic Church and prayers for good health.
Al-Azhar’s Council of Senior Scholars commemorated the death anniversary of Dr. Aḥmad Ṭaḥa Rayyān, a prominent Mālikī fundamentalist cleric, who passed away on February 17, 2021.
Minister of Awqāf (Religious Endowments), Dr. Osāma al-Azharī, stated that Egypt and Jordan reaffirmed their rejection of any attempts to liquidate the Palestinian cause and displace Palestinians from their own lands.
Former Grand Muftī of Egypt Dr. ʿAlī Gomʿa outlined “five pillars” for the renewal of religious discourse, pointing towards the “great strides” made by Imām al-Shāfʿī in establishing the principles of fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence).
Al-Sirāj Publishing House decided to withdraw the book ‘Kāmilāt ʿAql wa Dīn’ (Complete in Reason & Religion) by author Asmā’ ʿOthmān al-Sharqāwī from the Cairo International Book Fair (CIBF) 2025.
Pope Tawāḍrūs of the Coptic Orthodox Church has stressed the unity of Egyptians as “one family,” asserting that “Egyptians can never be divided.”
Grand Muftī of Egypt, Dr. Naẓīr ʿAyyād, has stated that there is a correlation between the purposes of the Islamic Sharīʿa law and modern contempory life, adding that the sharīʿa law is applicable everywhere and at all times.
Counselor Munṣif Najīb Sulaymān, the representative of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the Personal Status Law Panel, revealed that the five Christian denominations in Egypt have reached a consensus on the first law regulating the personal status affairs of Christian families.
Renowned media figure ʿAmr Adīb has said that President ʿAbd  al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī’s statements during his visit to the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ to offer congratulations over Coptic Christmas addressed all Egyptians and went beyond mere well-wishing.
Pope Tawāḍrūs attended the official celebrations marking the 70th anniversary of the Institute of Coptic Studies (1954 – 2024), hosted in the Papal Residence in Cairo.  


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