Displaying 1301 - 1310 of 1417.
Youssef Badawi whipped the young woman across her shoulders in another effort to drive away the evil genies that he said possessed his patient.
[Compilation from wires from various agencies] Muslims shuttered themselves indoors on the orders of clerics and others flocked to mosques Wednesday as earthquakes and an unseasonable hailstorm intensified eclipse unease in the Middle East.
The Jordanian government intends to amend articles providing for honor crimes in the Jordanian Penal Code, most importantly Section 1 of Article 340. The author discusses the reasons for the inclusion of this section originally and concludes by saying, "Jordanians have an Arab conservative culture...
The Criminal Court on Thursday sentenced a 19-year-old man to a 12-month prison-term after finding him guilty of killing his pregnant sister by running her over with his pickup in the Jordan Valley for "reasons of honor" in February of this year. The article mentions similar ruling in which murders...
A priest in al-Mahalla al-Kubra was attacked by an unknown person who stabbed him with a knife in different parts of his body. The priest was taken to the hospital. Before the priest went into a coma, he described the criminal.
In spite of the horrible accident at Beni Suef, internal tourism [by Egyptian Christians] was not affected by it. The trips to the monasteries are organized daily in order to get the blessings of the Saints there, and are considered the cheapest trips inside Egypt.
Sheikha Nadia is the new phenomenon in the medical world. She claims that she has the ability to cure the people from their diseases and drive the devils out of them. What is amazing about her is that she has got a license to work from Al-Azhar. A lot of people have been contradicting her methods...
The government’s move to abolish clauses in the penal code allowing leniency for murderers involving the so-called crimes of honor is a highly appreciable gesture. In no way can the ruthless killing of women suspected, rightly or wrongly, of immoral behavior be justified. The so-called killing in...
The fact that some below average university students pass with flying colors while some of their distinguished fellows barely make the grade is a surprise which reoccurs every year when exam results are released.
Jerusalem’s Arab population is increasing three times as fast as its Jewish population, according to a study released on Monday [July 26, 1999]. Right-wing Jerusalem Mayor Ehud Olmert called on the Labor government of Prime Minister Ehud Barak to increase the building of affordable housing in the...


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