Displaying 371 - 380 of 1417.
The Hijab business is witnessing a boom and the trade in Hijab in the Egyptian market has recently catapulted to about $16 billion. This number represents Egypt's annual import value from Hijab related clothes and fashion or clothes with Islamic character in general.
In an opinion article published by Al-Yawm al-Sābi‘, on the occasion of the 34th anniversary of the liberation of Sinai, Columnist Saḥar ʿAbd al-Raḥmān praised the speech of President ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī, which she said stressed the significance of national unity between the Muslims and the...
Famous comedian, writer, media critic and TV host Bāsim Yūsif said that he is not a supporter of the widely spread conspiracy theory in Egypt which blames all the problems the society suffers from on foreign parties. 
The Military Court in the governorate of Asyūt on Monday adjourned the trial of 325 members of the Muslim Brotherhood accused of involvement in violent acts in the Mallawī and Dayr Mawās regions in Minya to the 23rd of April. 
Dr. Ḥāzim Ḥusnī, professor of economics and political science, dismissed the widespread belief in the existence of a conspiracy in Egypt as a "childish idea."
Saif al- Dīn Muḥammad Muṣṭafa, the hijacker of the EgyptAir flight, said in his first court hearing in Nicosia, Cyprus, that he would face the death penalty in the event of his deportation to Egypt. 
Prominent businessman Aḥmad, said that negligence in Egypt began since the era and the rule of the late President Jamāl 'Abd al-Nāṣir, expressing his hope for reforming the economic conditions of the country during the next ten years. Abū Hāshīma stresses that Egypt has more than 60 million workers...
Al-Mansūrah Prosecution ordered the imprisonment of a man accused of killing an Imam of a mosque in Mansūrah city for 15 days. The Public Prosecution also ordered the autopsy to be carried out.
Background:  Tūjān al-Faīṣal, the first female member of the Jordanian parliament, is being interviewed and talks about her background, the effects that the Israeli-Jordan peace treaty has on Jordan politics and democracy, pluralism and the role of intelligence in Jordan, legal and judicial...
Between al-Qūṣiyya, Upper Egypt, and the Monastery of The Holy Virgin Mary or Dayr al-Muḥarraq, in the governorate of Asyut, lies the predominantly Christian village of al-Saraqnā. The village of around 10,000 inhabitants is peaceful but yet overpopulation creates a tremendous strain on the limited...


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