Displaying 551 - 560 of 1417.
Mustafá talks about Shaykh Qaradāwī’s controversial comments on Shiites during a television interview, saying that they should not live amongst Sunnīs. He says that the danger in Qaradāwī’s remarks lies in his huge influence on the Islamic world. Mustafá also says that Qaradāwī’s comments on the...
Nādīn al-Badīr writes about her recent experience at Friday prayers when she wanted to go to the mosque to pray and become unified with God. She remembered that she is banned from going anytime because as she gets there she has to go directly to the women's section to hear a decades-old sermon that...
Ghazūlī begins by saying that worldwide, the separation of religion from politics and church from state is currently under pressure. "Today, strong currents...in the West are mixing religion and politics and giving the church a growing role in public affairs; so are we to do the same?" the writer...
A group of anonymous users on an Islamic online message board said that Qatar will not get the chance to host the 2022 World Cup because they claim that Qatar will be part of an Islamic empire ruled by Usāmah Bin Lādin by 2017. The group claims that the empire will also include Kuwait and Saudi...
A National Democratic Party candidate in Beni Suef sparked controversy for distributing campaign flyers with his photo set next to a photo of the Virgin Mary holding baby Jesus in an attempt to win over the Coptic vote. Ibrāhīm Sharīf with the Egyptian Union for Human Rights said that the actions...
Egyptian opinions varied on the annual International Religious Freedom report issued by the United States Department of State. The report claims that that minorities, such as Copts and Bahā’īs, are regularly discriminated against. Coptic activist Najīb Jabrā’īl praised the report and said that the...
Dr. ‘Abd Allāh al-Ash‘al is a controversial figure who stepped down from his former position as Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs in 2003. In an interview with al-Dustūr, al-Ash‘al talks about several issues, such as Israel’s former president’s claims about his country’s plans to infiltrate...
Minister of Finance Yūsuf Butrus Ghālī announced yesterday at a conference by the World Customs Organization that several booby-trapped parcels were discovered on their way to Egypt. He says that five Arab countries have been added to the Cairo Airport’s blacklist for having branches of the...
Jamāl talks about Minister of Interior Habīb al-‘ādlī’s talks about the upcoming parliamentary elections and containing terrorism. Al-‘ādlī spoke clearly about the banned group and made clear that using religion in parliamentary campaigns is absolutely forbidden. He also criticized the Muslim...
At a monthly meeting, Vice President of the National Council for Human Rights Muqbil Shākir announced that he would not allow parliamentary candidates to campaign using religious slogans that could pose a threat to national unity. He added that the decision to shut down a number of religious...


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