Displaying 2961 - 2970 of 5065.
Dr. Ikrām Lam‘ī examines the similarities between Father Matta al-Maskīn and Nagīb Mahfūz.
The author refutes claims made by figures in the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood group that Egyptian novelist Najīb Mahfūz has come from under the group’s cloak, arguing that Mahfūz’s relations with the Brotherhood have never been good as they claim.
This article discusses how collaborative efforts are required to create a mechanism to control charities receiving zakah, so that funds reach the needy and maximize benefits for society as a whole.
This article reports criticism from a key figure of the Centrist Party against Shaykh Yūsuf al-Qaradāwī for his attacks on Shī‘ah and on Syrian President Bashshār al-Assad who had attacked the position of Arab leaders on the Israeli war on Lebanon.
The Azhar’s Islamic Research Academy is split over a book authored by a businessman that interprets the Qur’ān in more than 27,000 verses. He says his book, the first literary epic in the Arab world dealing with interpretation of the Qur’ān, will make it easier for the public to understand...
The article discusses extremist ideologies originating from wahābī oil countries, which consider women to be devils and propagate misunderstanding of certain hadīths in a way offensive to women.
The author discusses the thriving market of audiotapes containing preaching by salafist shaykhs attacking Shī‘ah and warning Sunnī Muslims against supporting them on the grounds that they are "apostates who allege that the revelation was meant for ‘Alī Ibn Abī Tālib but for Archangel Gabriel’...
The author discusses the issue of terrorists targeting Britain, which explains the tough security measures adopted by the U.K after attempted suicide operations were foiled.
An Egyptian author writes in favor of Israel and Judaism in a book banned by the Azhar University.
The author discusses the concept of citizenship as one of the main components of political and national identity.


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