Displaying 3001 - 3010 of 5065.
The article discusses the belief rampant in extremist circles in the US and Europe about the end-of-the-world battle of Armageddon. Many voices consider the Israeli war in southern Lebanon to be the final confrontation between the forces of good and evil.
The author links Israeli practices and the massacres in Lebanon and other Arab countries to texts of the Torah and urges Arabs to take a strong diplomatic stance and protest the killings and havoc in a neighboring Arab country.
The author, the Vice President of the Council of State, questions why churches and their money and buildings are not considered to be public funds and, accordingly, are cut out of the scope of state protection.
A recent statement by the Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood, Muhammad Mahdī ‘Ākif, in which he said that the Brotherhood was ready to send 10,000 troops to Lebanon, has raised the fears of the Egyptian government about the group’s military expertise and capabilities.
In a life where materialism and corruption are increasing dramatically we need Sufism to tame our souls and get back to God.
A few days ago Muslim dā‘īyah, Dr. Safwat Hijāzī, issued a fatwá urging Muslims to declare war against Israeli civilians worldwide. The fatwá was severely condemned by the Azhar, the highest religious institution in the Muslim world, as incorrect and terrorist in nature.
Tāriq Mustafá presents various opinions over allegedly false hadīths about the torture of women in hell sent to Muslims living abroad.
With the end of the Ḥizb Allāh-Israel war, which claimed nearly 900 lives on both sides, a number of Egyptian writers have devoted several articles to the issue, raising questions about what they described as the short-sightedness of the Ḥizb Allāh.
The author highlights a story of a Coptic mother who thought by mistake that her 17-year daughter had been kidnapped.
Pope Shenouda cancels the celebration of his birthday due to health problems.


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