Displaying 331 - 340 of 1492.
Jubrā’īl added that Patterson offered to the Pope the assurance of providing Copts with their rights if he prevented them from participation, but the Pope refused. Jubrā’īl revealed that the Church announced that Patterson’s visit was plotted by Morsi and that there was complete coordination...
Pope Tawadros II disagrees with some newspapers and Western news agencies on the mass escape of Copts out of Egypt. He said in a press statement to the Egyptian satellite television yesterday that some Coptic families decide to migrate from Egypt to other countries due to their fear of the current...
The government’s decision to build the first church in the era of Mursi did not ease 'Adil Malāk's bitter feelings, although the two of them are neighbors near the Presidential Palace. The 61-year old believes that the President’s does not consider the interests of the Copts. He describes the Copts...
Prominent Copts have refused BDP’s initiative to heal sectarian divides, with Kamāl Zākhir, a Christian thinker and coordinator of the Coptic secular movement, claiming “between us there is blood, and we are still people of the dhimmah”. He cited the example of the sectarian strife which plagued...
The Minister of Interior, Muhammad Ibrāhīm Yūsuf, warned of a catastrophe in front of the Cathedral in al-‘Abbāsīyyah should a planned funeral march to commemorate the victims of al-Khusūs clashes. The march, planned for May 24, would start at al-‘Abbāsīyyah and end in Maspero. Yūsuf cautioned...
Al-Jamā’ah al-Islāmīyyah has continued to listen to the complaints of Copts, amid recent controversy over laws to restrict the distribution of permits to build new churches. In an announcement by the Building and Development Party (BDP) (Hizb al-Binā’ wal-Tanmīyah) Safwat ‘Abd al-Ghanī,...
The Coptic Advisory Council has demanded the re-investigation into a case in which a Luxor school teacher was accused of disdaining Islam. Ahmad Sulaymān, Minister of Justice, has been tasked with the impartial re-investigation into the matter in order to avoid the effect of pressure exerted by...
Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II has returned to Cairo upon completion of his historic visit to Italy and the expatriate Copts . The Pope presided over his last mass which was attended by bishops and priests of the Coptic Church from Egypt as well as Europe. During the visit, Pope Tawadros II...
Dr. Samīr Sabrī filed a complaint to Supreme State Security Prosecution against the Salafī leader Abū Islam, accusing him of threatening the Copts and calling for their elimination on al-Ummah television channel (Sāmīyah Fārūq, al-Wafd, May 15, p. 3). Read original text in Arabic.  
Former member of the Dutch right-wing Freedom Party and contributor in producing an anti-Islam film Arnaud Fandor embraces Islam.  Fandor, who belonged to one of the most "extreme" and "hostile" parties to Islam, said that after watching the reactions against the film, he began to search for the...


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