Displaying 1101 - 1110 of 1264.
The article is an interview with the Supreme Guide of the Brotherhood Muhammad The interview focuses on the political reform initiative the Brotherhood declared from inside the Journalist Syndicate.
The US Copts Association published a press release on March 25, 2004 with the title “Coptic Pope Denounces Forced Conversion of Coptic Girls.” It is obvious that the the US Copts Association has not made much of an effort, if any, to check the rumors. Instead the have blown this out of proportions.
Mr. De Coursac is a French national living in Egypt who strongly objects to US foreign policy in the Middle East. He expressed this objection in an irrational manner and this has made him to misinterpret events and explain them as a US conspiracy without realizing that in that way he has alienated...
Agence France -Pressse opened with the police preventing unrest in Taha al-‘Ameda after the priest and two members of the church had been killed “when the car in which they were being driven away for questioning crashed.” AFP also reports that “the police officer who was driving the car jumped out...
A priest and two members of the church board of Taha al-‘Ameda died after an accident with a speeding car driven by a police officer in the early hours of Sunday May 2. Problems started after six meters of a poorly built fence the old Mar Mina church in Taha al-‘Ameda collapsed because of a strong...
Al-Usbua has jumped on some Coptic extremists who are much disliked in the US Coptic community and who have no following. Quoting statements from such isolated radicals gives readers the impression that they represent much more than a few individuals. It has all appearance al-Usbua has highlighted...
Bishop Paphnotius responded to questions of readers of AWR. The interview gives an update about the developments following the tragic death of the priest and two Christians of Taha al-‘Ameda after our report of May 6 [AWR 2004, week 19, art. 30]
Did late Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin during his first visit to Egypt after the Camp David agreement point to the pyramids and uttered the words “My forefathers contributed to building them?” This is most likely a legend based on conspiracy thinking.
Barnabas Fund reported that the death of three Christians in Samalut was murder. AWR believes that is not the case. This article tries to explain the differences in positions.
I felt distressed when I read the news about the Festival of Christian Films. I find it strange that an artistic event carries a religious title and limits its scope to a certain religion. It is likely that there will be Muslim films in which no single Christian takes part in them. Films will be...


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