Security agencies in Sohag governorate managed to restore tranquility to the troubled village of Awlād Khalaf, where violent clashes with gunfire broke out between Muslims and Christians after a Copt embarked resuming the construction of a church without license.
Differences between Muslims and Copts rapidly developed into fierce confrontations between the two sides. A Copt opened random fire on the protesting local resident, leaving six people wounded, including three in a serious condition. More than seven houses adjacent to the church were set ablaze (al-Shurūq al-Jadīd, P. 6, June 27, 2011).
Security forces are working hard to contain the Muslim-Christian fitnah in Awlād Khalaf, which left five Muslims wounded by gunfire and one Copt with a cut in his head and the burning and vandalism of eight Coptic houses in clashes over a rumor about worker embarking on building a church in the village without license.
A security source in the Sohag Security Department said some nine Muslim men are wanted on charges of burning and vandalizing houses owned by Copts, all of them from Awlād Khalaf (al-Wafd, P. 8, June 27, 2011).
* Reports on the same story were also published by al-Akhbār newspaper of June 27, 2011, P. 18, and al-Usbū' of June 27, 2011, P. 13.