List of persons names (and their functions) used in AWR-Articles
(Click on name to display relevant articles)
Name | Function |
Yāsmīn al-Khayyām (Hajja) |
Retired Egyptian singer; Proponent of hijab |
Yāsmīn Fuʾād (Dr.) |
The Egyptian Minister of Environment |
Yāsmīn Mūsā Tādrus [Yasmin Musa Tadrous] |
reported February 2, 2006 by Al-Fajr to be a victim of forced concersion to Islam, without details [Ref. AWR, 2006, week 6, art. 7] |
Yāsmīn Saʿīd | |
Yassā Ṣubḥī (Father) | |
Yasser Arafat | |
Yāssīn Jābar | |
Yāssīn Ṭāhir (General) | |
Yāssir al-Ḥabīb (Kuwaiti writer) |
Sheikh Yasser al-Habib is an anti-Sunni Kuwaiti Shia scholar, and the head of the London-based Khoddam Al-Mahdi Organization (MSU), as well as Al-Muhassin mosque in Fulmer, Buckinghamshire, and the writer of The Lady of Heaven. |
Yāssir al-Ḥabīb (Kuwaiti writer) |
Sheikh Yasser al-Habib is an anti-Sunni Kuwaiti Shia scholar, and the head of the London-based Khoddam Al-Mahdi Organization (MSU), as well as Al-Muhassin mosque in Fulmer, Buckinghamshire, and the writer of The Lady of Heaven. |
Yāssir ʿArafāt (President) |
Late president of the Palestinian National Authority (1996-2004); Former leader of the Fataḥ political party |
Yaub Sannu | |
Yazīd Ibn Muʿāwiyya (Caliph) |
Second Umayyad Caliph (680 - 683) |
Yaʿqūb (Father in Dar al-Janus) |
Coptic Orthodox priest in Dar al-Janus / Minya |
Yaʿqūb Nakhla Rūfīla |
Author |
Yaʿqūb Ṣannūʿa | |
Yaʿqūb Tādrus (Father at Mar Girgis) | |
Yaʿqūbūs [Yacoubos] (Bishop of al-Zaqāzīq [Zagazig] and Minyā al-Qamḥ) | |
Yemane Ghebremeskel (Spokesman and Chief of Staff for the Office of the President of Eritrea) |
member of the Eritrean Presidential Office, at least at the time of 1999. |
Yevgeny Primakov (Former Prime Minister of Russia) (1929 - 2015) |
President of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in the days of Dr Amr Assad’s study in the USSR. He later became the Prime minister (1998-1999) and head of the KGB. |
Yigal Carmon |
Founder of Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) |
Yisrael Meir Lau (Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv, Israel, and Chairman of Yad Vashem) |
Chairman of Yad Vashem; Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv; Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel (1993-2003) |
Yisroel Salanter [Yisroel ben Ze'ev Wolf Lipkin] (Rabbi) |
The rabbi Ysroel ben Ze'ev Wolf Lipkin (1809-1883) was the father of the Musar movement in Orthodox Judaism. |
Yitzhak Rabin (Prime Minister of Israel) |
Prime Minister of Israel (1974-1977; 1992-1995) |
Yitzhak Shamir (Dr.) |
Prime Minister of Israel (1983-1984;1986-1992) |
Yolande Knell | |
Yolande Knell | |
Yossef Kamal | |
Yossi Beilin (Israeli Statesman, Scholar) |
Israeli researcher |
Youcef Nadarkhani | |
Yousef Nadarkhani | |
Youssef Ibrahim | |
Youssef Sidhom | |
Yousuf TourƯ | |
Yūḥannā al- Maqārī (Monk) (1931-2021) |
The late Monk was born on 12th of May 1931. He became a monk on 7 January 1967. He passed away in 2021. |
Yūḥannā al-Nīqāwī [John of Nikiû] (Bishop) |
7th Century bishop of Upper Egypt writing about the arrival of the first Muslims to Egypt |
Yūḥannā Fāyiz (Father) | |
Yūḥannā Ibrāhīm |
Syrian Orthodox Archbishops Mar Gregorios |
Yūḥannā Naṣīf (Father) |
Author; Archpriest of Saint Mark’s Church in Alexandria |
Yūḥannā Rubā |
Youhana Ibn Raouba, an owner of a stag [an old type of financial market]. The prophet assured him his safety and told him "There is safety from God and Mohammed his prophet to Youhana Ibn Raouba and the people of his stag and their ships and their means of transportation in the sea and on land and whoever was with them from among the people of the Yemen and the people of Syria" |
Yūḥannā Taqlā (Bishop) |
Bishop of Dishnā (Since 1991); Author for among others al-Wafd newspaper |
Yūḥannā Thābit (Father) |
Priest of the Holy Virgin’s Church in Heliopolis |
Yūḥannā [Johanna] (Coptic Orthodox Bishop of Aleppo) | |
Yūḥannā Qulta [Yohanna Qulta] (Bishop, Vice Patriarch of the Catholic Church in Egypt) |
Deputy Patriarch of the Coptic Catholic Church |
Yūliyyūs [Julius] (Bishop) | |
Yūnān Bushrā Shākir (Sr., Father) |
Senior Father Yunan Bushra Shakir |
Yūnān Labīb Rizq (Dr.) |
Egyptian Coptic historian; Professor of modern history at cAyn Shams University |
Yūnān Marquṣ al-Qummuṣ Tādrus (Father) |
Coptic Thinker and Author |
Yūnis al- ʿAmūrī [Deputy Christian-Muslim council | |
Yūnis Bayūmī (al-Nūr Party) |
Chairman of al-Nur Party (Egypt) |
Yūnis Makhiyyūn [Younes Makhioun] (al-Nūr Party) |
MP for the al-Nūr Party |
Yūnis Qandīl |
general secretary of the Emirate-funded Mominoun [Muʾminūn]Without Borders Foundation for Research and Studies. |
Yuridia Montoya |
Dutch woman living in Siwa, daughter of Ellen Markus who is also living in Siwa. Yuridia runs a language school in the oasis. |
Yusab II | |
Yūsāb (Bishop) (Luxor) |
General Bishop of the Luxor Diocese. |
Yūsāb (Coptic Orthodox Pope) |
Former Coptic Orthodox Pope |
Yūsāb II [Pope Joseph II of Alexandria] (Egypt) |
Coptic Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark (1946-1956) |
Yusrā Zahrān |
Author |
Yusrā Zahwān |
Author |
Yusrā [Civene Nassim] (Egyptian Actress) | |
Yusrī al-Jamal (Dr.) |
Egyptian Minister of Education (2005-2010) |
Yusrī Fawda [Yosri Fouda] (Investigative Journalist) |
Egyptian TV-host and investigative journalist |
Yusrī Ḥammād (Dr.) | |
Yusrī Jaʿfar | |
Yusrī Muṣṭafā |
Author; Research Director for Egyptian Organization for Human Rights |
Yusrī ʿAfīfī (Dr.) | |
Yusrīyya Lūza Sāwīrus |
Member of the Egyptian People's Assembly; Author of "Coptic Life in Egypt" |
Yūstīnā Ṣāliḥ (Dr.) |
U.S. researcher at the Global Research in International Affairs [GLORIA] Center (Israel) |
Yusṭus [Justus] (Bishop) |
Bishop Justus is the head of the monastery of Saint Antonius located in the Red sea, Egypt. |
Yūsuf (Bishop of the Southern States of the USA) | |
Yūsuf (Father) [Shubrā al-Khaymah] |
Priest in Shubrā al-Khaymah / Qalyubiyyah / Greater Cairo |
Yūsuf Abū al-Khayr (Archbishop of Sūhāj) | |
Yūsuf al- BadrƯ | |
Yūsuf al-Badrī (Shaykh) |
Former member of the People's Assembly; Founder of the Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice group; alleged member of Muslim Brotherhood |
Yūsuf al-Ghazālī |
Author |
Yūsuf al-Ḥūmī (Father) | |
Yūsuf al-Ḥussaynī [Youssef al-Husseini] |
TV-host at the Egyptian TV-channel ON-TV |
Yūsuf Al-Qaradāwī | |
Yūsuf al-Qāʾid |
Author; Novelist; Journalist |
Yūsuf al-Rabābiʿah (Yousuf al-Rababia), Dr. (Jordan) | |
Yūsuf al-ʿUtayba (Yousef Al Otaiba) |
United Arab Emirates Ambassador to Washington |
Yūsuf Aṣlān Qaṭāwī (Finance Minister) |
Jewish finance minister in Egypt in 1924 |
Yūsuf Asʿad [Joseph Assad] |
Member of the Washington-based Freedom House, Coptic activist |
Yūsuf Buṭrus Ghālī (Dr.) |
Egyptian minister of Finance; He held since 1993 several positions as minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Affairs; Member of NDP |
Yūsuf Dāwūd (Actor) | |
Yūsuf Fatḥī Nʿaīnʿa [Yusuf Fathi Na'in'a] |
Reported in Sawt al-Ummah "Copts abduct a Christian young man [...] after her embraced Islam" [Ref. AWR, week 41, art. 61] |
Yūsuf Fikrī [Joseph Fikry] |
Author |
Yūsuf Idrīs (Dr.) |
Late Egyptian novelist, author and play writer |
Yūsuf Iskandar | |
Yūsuf Malāk [Joseph Malak] |
Author; Lawyer; Human Rights activist |
Yūsuf Maʿāṭī |
Egyptian scriptwriter |
Yūsuf Moawad | |
Yūsuf Muḥammad Abū al-Fatḥ [Yusuf Muhammad Abu al-Fath] |
reported by Sawt al-Ummah as "another Christian [Yūsuf Muhammad Abū al-Futh] avoid any village inhabited by Copts for fear of igniting sectarian sedition" [Ref. AWR, 2007, week 2, art. 4] |
Yūsuf Nadā |
Businessman; Member of the Muslim Brotherhood |
Yūsuf Najīb | |
Yūsuf Naṣr Allāh [Joseph Nasrallah] |
Owner of Al Tariq station |
Yūsuf Rāmiz |
Author; Coptic Research |
Yūsuf Ṣalāḥīn [Yussef Salahein] |
Pseudonym, 21 year old student who was in Spring 2014 spokesperson for ‘Students against the Coup’ at the Azhar University – one of the many clandestine organisations affiliated with the Anti-Coup movement |
Yūsuf Shāhīn |
Egyptian film director |
Yūsuf Siddīq |
member of the Free Officers movement who overthrew King Farūq in the military coup during Egypt's revolution of July 1952. |