Displaying 471 - 480 of 890.
In an interview hosted by Sky News TV Channel, Coptic Orthodox Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria, Tawāḍrūs II, said that Bishop Epiphaniyūs, who was killed close to his cell inside the Abū Maqār Monastery (St. Makarius [Makāriyyūs] Monastery), was cherished and respected by everyone, adding, that in...
The Azhar and Dār al-Iftā’ will not stipulate a specific form of takbīr (the exclamation ‘Allahu Akbar’), according to puresunnah during ‘Īd al-Fitr, and in a fatwá stated that the form of takbīr used by Egyptians for a long time, as opposed to that used by the Companions of the Prophet, was...
A number of Coptic movements, most prominent among them the Middle Eastern Forum for Freedom (Muntadá al-Sharq al’Awsat li-l-Hurriyyāt) and Democratic Egyptian Solidarity (al-Tadāmun al-Misrī al-Dīmuqrātī) have protested outside the embassy of the Vatican, demanding Pope Francis and the Security...
The fact finding committee formed by the NCHR has left for the village of Jabal al- Tāyr, Minya, in order to research the facts concerning the events that the village witnessed recently
ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria) has introduced a testimony for new members in Iraq, in which they declare that they are ‘not an unbeliever’. In the pledge new recruits must repent for having committed bid‘ (innovation / heresy in religion), and each declaration is valid for three...
Sources stated that the current leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood have convened a set of meetings with the student committees  of the Muslim Brotherhood particularly those in al- Azhar, Cairo and ‘Ayn Shams Universities.
  A medical source from a hospital in Benghazi (Banīghāzī) reported that unknown gunmen shot the (Christian) Egyptian Salāmah Fawzī in the head, while working in a vegetable shop in the area of Ma’jūrá, Benghazi. Nūrā ‘Abd al-‘Azīz, head of the Egyptian Charity Society in Libya, stated that dozens...
  According to Nash’at Tal’at Sidīq, the only survivor of the Libyan massacre that cost the life of 7 Egyptians, the victims – including his father – were killed for sectarian reasons. He reported that a group of masked men wearing military uniforms and carrying machine guns entered their building...
Shabāb Christian movement for Orthodox Copts called upon the Pope Tawadros to end his pastoral visit to Canada that would continue until the end of this month and return to Egypt to follow up on the crisis of the village of Jabal al-Tāyr in Minya.
The Muslim Brotherhood has described the statements of president al- Sīsī in which he stated that the Muslim Brotherhood can return to political life if they reject violence that it is simply a media show. 


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