
These interviews, conducted for an academic book on Islamist movements in Egypt, are unique historical documents because they were mostly conducted prior to President Mursī being deposed in 2013. For more background please  click here

Date of source Date of review العنوان Interviewees
4 يوليو 1998 12 يونيو 2016 Tourism Business at the Red Sea Saʿad Abū Rīda
1 يونيو 1998 13 يونيو 2016 Farewell Press Conference by the Turkish Ambassador to Egypt II Yāsir Yātīs
1 يونيو 1998 12 يونيو 2016 Farewell Press Conference by the Turkish Ambassador to Egypt I Yāsir Yātīs
11 مايو 1998 26 يونيو 2016 Joe Stork on the implications of the US Religious Freedom Act/Ramzī Zaqlāma on Copts in Egypt and the Religious Freedom Act 1998 Ramzī Zaqlama, Joe Stork (Activist)
19 مارس 1998 23 يونيو 2016 Leading Muslim Brotherhood Member, Mukhtār Nūh on Religious Freedom in Egypt Mukhtār Nūḥ (Mr.)
22 فبراير 1998 29 أغسطس 2016 Opening of an orphanage/Volkhard Windfuhr on FPA train trip Volkhard Windfuhr (Journalist, Arabist)
8 فبراير 1998 29 يونيو 2016 Enhancing Tourism in Luxor after the 1997 Massacre
17 نوفمبر 1997 to 19 نوفمبر 1997 15 يونيو 2016 State visit by Dutch Queen Beatrix and her husband Prince Claus to Egypt II David van der Meulen, Saskia van der Mast
17 نوفمبر 1997 to 19 نوفمبر 1997 15 يونيو 2016 State visit by Dutch Queen Beatrix and her husband Prince Claus to Egypt I Hans van Mierlo
20 أكتوبر 1997 28 يونيو 2016 Reclamation of the Western Desert: Dr. Fārūq al-Baz’s NASA Press Conference Fārūq al-Bāz (Dr.)
20 سبتمبر 1997 4 يوليو 2016 The RIIFS on peace-building and the role of religion in conflict / Volkhard Windfuhr on islamist terrorism after the Cairo 1997 terror attack Volkhard Windfuhr (Journalist, Arabist), Cornelis Hulsman (كورنيلس هولسمان), Khayrī Jānbik
16 أغسطس 1997 4 أغسطس 2016 Press Conference: Shaykh Muḥammad Sayyid Ṭanṭāwī on Palestine, minority rights and gender equality in Islam Muḥammad Sayyid Ṭanṭāwī (Shaykh)
28 يوليو 1997 to 27 سبتمبر 2018 27 سبتمبر 2018 Reinout Vos and World Servants Reinout Vos
28 يونيو 1997 29 أغسطس 2016 The Governor of Alexandria in 1997 on Recent Developments in the region Ismāʿīl al-Jawsaqī [Ismail El-Gawsaqi] (Governor of Alexandria)
15 مايو 1997 9 يونيو 2016 Students at ABTS on their path to Christianity and missionary work
14 مايو 1997 to 15 مايو 1997 13 يونيو 2016 Sudanese Student at the ABTS on Christians in Morocco / Zuzana Skalova on the Conservation of Coptic Icons Project Zuzana Skálová
29 نوفمبر 1996 29 أغسطس 2016 Azerbaijani oil industry/Interviews with Azerbaijani refugees
27 نوفمبر 1996 29 أغسطس 2016 Archbishop in the Armenian Church in Turkey on the future of the community/Press Conference on oil and gas in Azerbaijan Mesrop Mutafyan II (Armenian Patriarch of Constantinople), Natig Aliyev (Politician)
9 نوفمبر 1996 29 أغسطس 2016 Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs ʿAmrū Mūsā on the MENA conference 1996 ʿAmrū Mūsa (Arab League)
30 أكتوبر 1996 to 31 أكتوبر 1996 5 يونيو 2016 The Palestinian Ambassador to the UN's expectations of the UN's role in the Palestinian Question Nāṣir ʿArafāt al-Qudwa [Nasser el-Qudwa]
24 أكتوبر 1996 2 يونيو 2016 EO Broadcast of interviews with Father van Nispen and Shaykh Yūsuf al-Badrī Christiaan van Nispen, S.J. (Father) (Professor of Islam and Philosophy), Yūsuf al-Badrī (Shaykh)
17 أكتوبر 1996 19 يونيو 2016 Preparations for the 1996 MENA Conference Peter Goepfrich (Dr.), Farīd Munīr [Farid Mounir]
7 أكتوبر 1996 23 يونيو 2016 Majdī Ḥussaīn and Grand Īmam Ṭanṭāwī on Naṣr Abū Zayd, Netanyahu's tunnel, and issuing Fatwās Muḥammad Sayyid Ṭanṭāwī (Shaykh), Majdī Aḥmad Ḥussayn (Dr.)
1 سبتمبر 1996 to 27 سبتمبر 2018 27 سبتمبر 2018 Lebanon VII: Yāssīn Jābar South Lebanon Yāssīn Jābar
30 أغسطس 1996 3 يوليو 2016 Dūrī Shamʿūn on the 1996 political situation in Lebanon / Voices from a pro-Ḥarīrī gathering Dūrī Shamʿūn
30 أغسطس 1996 23 يونيو 2016 Lebanese politicians on the current political situation of Lebanon Fāris Buwayz [Farès Boueiz], ʿIṣṣām Fāris
1 يونيو 1996 4 أغسطس 2016 EOHR Seminar on Copts III Mīlād Ḥannā (Dr.), Ṭalʿat Jād Allāh, Sulayman Shafiq (Researcher), Nashat Malāk, Sirī Shafīq, Wajīh Khayr Iqlādīyyūs, Maurice Ṣādiq
1 يونيو 1996 3 أغسطس 2016 EOHR Seminar on Copts II Mīlād Ḥannā (Dr.), Ṭalʿat Jād Allāh, Muḥammad Munīb, Mamdūḥ Ramzī, Sulayman Shafiq (Researcher), Maurice Ṣādiq, Mīlād Yūnān (Mr.), Aḥmad al-Ṣāwī, Jamāl ʿAjāybī (Rev.)
1 يونيو 1996 18 يوليو 2016 EOHR Seminar on Copts I Mīlād Ḥannā (Dr.), Sirī Shafīq, Maurice Ṣādiq
21 مايو 1996 to 23 مايو 1996 22 يونيو 2016 The Arab Summit of 1996: Press Conference with Foreign Minister ʿAmru Mūsā and interview with Dr. Saʿād al-dīn ʾĪbrāhīm ʿAmrū Mūsa (Arab League)
