Displaying 201 - 210 of 425.
‘Ulā Mustafá ‘Āmir writes about the new adoption law for non-Muslims.
The author casts light on the issue of removing the religion field from the personal ID card and its effects on the civilian society.
Human rights head says Minia officials negligent in addressing fitnahs.
A conference on interreligious dialogue calls for establishing an international center for dialogue and for supporting human rights organizations to effectuate dialogue.
Robeir al-Faris provides a round up of the Cairo press this month. He covers the case of the murder trial of Marwa al-Shirbīni which is taking place in Germany, looking in particular at an article written by Ibrāhīm Isá in al-Dustūr that reflects on the Egyptian reaction to the case. Al-Faris also...
Seven Egyptian parties submit a document to the government that includes a general framework for solving Coptic problems.
Al-Dawakhīlī critiques the Coptic lawyer Najīb Jibrā’īl who is involved in a number of court cases both in Egypt and abroad.
A memorandum presented by Dr. Nabīl Lūqa Bibāwī to the Azhar regarding the personal status law for non-Muslims stirs a wide range of reactions among Copts.
Counsellor Najīb Jibrā’īl confirms that he will proceed with the lawsuit filed against the governmental institutions involved in changing the name of the village of Abū Hinnis as long asofficial documents are issued carrying the new name.
Al-Wafd sheds light on the investigation conducted with Coptic thinker Jamāl As‘ad.


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