Displaying 231 - 240 of 425.
The Egyptians Against Religious Discrimination [EARD] group held its first national conference last weekend. The conference was supposed to be held at the Journalists Syndicate but after journalists stopped participants from entering the premises it was moved to the headquarters of the Tajammu...
The Egyptian press relentlessly covers the national and international reactions to Geert Widers’ film ’Fitna’. A young man in Saudi Arabia has made a movie to respond to ’Fitna’. He used shots that showed British solders filming Iraqis being tortured and simultaneously displayed Biblical texts that...
The controversial court ruling that was issued recently is still creating heated discussions in Coptic and judicial milieus. While some think it is binding and necessary, religious sources reject it because it is a violation of the Biblical teaching.
Dr. Jibrā’īl sheds light on what he considers to be a violation of freedom of creed in Egypt and argues that in spite of the several legislations and constitutional texts that confirm the freedom of creed and principles of citizenship, the reality is still far removed from the aspiration of...
According to the author, the head of the U.S. Copts Association, Michael Munīr is one of the people who is responsible for sowing sedition and destabilizing Egyptian society. ‘Urābī accuses Munīr of working in the U.S Congress to suspend 100 million U.S. dollars of its aid to Egypt. His activity...
The author reports on news of the conduct of two different reports before the general prosecutor calling for the closure of the Ahmadiyya satellite channel MTA3, which is said to have been scorning religions and promoting sectarian sedition.
Dr. Zaghlūl al-Najjār and Dr. Mustafá al-Shak‘ah, both members of the Islamic Research Academy, are to be interrogated before the North Giza Prosecution on charges of disdaining Christianity.
In yet another twisted in the protracted story of the ’returnees to Christianity’ 35 of those involved have appeared at the Supreme Constitutional Court to try to resolve their case.
The Supreme Administrative Court in Egypt issued a controversial ruling that guarantees Christian divorcees the right to a second marriage. The Coptic Orthodox Church rejects the ruling and declares that there is no authority on Earth that can oblige the church to go against their conscience....
The article discusses reactions to a recent Supreme Administrative Court ruling which forces the Coptic Orthodox Church to allow Copts that have been divorced through civil courts to re-marry.


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