Displaying 1 - 10 of 15.
During holidays, Egyptian media monitors sexual harassment in streets, parks, and in front of cinemas, particularly in downtown Cairo and popular areas. Usually, on the following day the front pages filled with stories about women being sexually harassed on the first day of Eid. However, this year...
Nihād Abū al- Qumṣān, an activist for women's rights, said that Article 11 of the Personal Status Law obligates the husband to prove before the marriage official [al-māʾzūn] the number of his wives before marrying another.
Director of the Egyptian Center for Women’s Rights Nihād Abū al-Qumṣān said that Shaykh of al-Azhar Aḥmad al-Ṭayyib’s statements on women’s rights are like an ʿĪd al-Fiṭr gift to women.
The Egyptian Centre for Women's Rights (ECWR) has completely rejected the new personal status law.  In the first reading of the law, which was issued by the Egyptian Cabinet and published in al-Yawm al-Sābiʿ on February 23, the ECWR found it shocking and not appropriate for the times since it...
The Egyptian Center for Women's Rights organized a conference entitled "Participation of Women and Youth in Local Councils: a Shift towards Real Democracy."
Hiba Hajras, a member of the National Council for Women and Rapporteur of the Committee on Women with Disabilities, met with the wife of Pakistani President and First Lady Samina Alvi on the sidelines of a high-level global meeting to discuss planning for a World Report on Technology for Persons...
This paper was prepared by the two interns from India
    Lawyer Nihād ʾAbū al-Qamsān, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Egyptian Center for Women's Rights called for the need for a law that balances marital relations. ʾAbū al-Qamsān called for the law to be based on justice and in accordance with Islamic law to serve the purpose of abiding by...
Nuhād ‘Abū al-Qamsān, president of the Center, said that amendments to Egypt’s personal status law, which was put into place more than 95 years ago, have not raised the document to an appropriate standard. ‘Abū al-Qamsān added, in an interview on the television program “Lāzim Nifham,” that the law...
The article provides an overview of the quota assigned to women in Egypt’s People’s Assembly, and a brief history of women’s participation in the political scene in the country.


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