Displaying 11 - 20 of 273.
Coptic Orthodox Pope and Patriarch of the Church of Alexandria and the Holy See of St. Marc, Tawāḍrūs II, received at the papal headquarters in al-ʿAbbasiya, Archbishop of Aswan and the Head of the Monastery of Saint Bākhumiyyūs at Hājir in Edfu, Bishop Hidrā.
Today, a seminar is to be held at the AUC on Dr. Maī Hawās’s book “The Influence of Islamic Creeds on the Islamic Architecture of Mosques”. The book presents a comparison between the mosques or schools from the Safavid era in Iraq and Iran, and the Bahri / Bahriyya Mamluks [al-Mamālīk al-Baḥariyya...
An article from the Maadi Messenger discussing the significance of the famous geometrical tile styling known as "Cairo Tiling" with accompanied contextual commentary from Cornelis Hulsman.
The New York Times Magazine published a detailed report about the torture and murder of ItalianPhD student Giulio Regeni who focused in his study on Egyptian street vendors’ union, “hoping to assess their union’s potential to drive political and social change.” He disappeared on the 25th of January...
Background: A group of students at the American University in Cairo (AUC) with different cultural backgrounds and nationalities were interviewed by Cornelis Hulsman to understand more about their experiences at the university. This part was conducted in English. Side A: This part of the tape...
Background: At an assembly at the American University in Cairo (AUC) on 22 November 1995, guest speakers Dr. ʿAbd al-Ḥalīm Nūr al-Dīn, Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA – 1993-1996) and Professor Kent R. Weeks, were invited. Since the discovery of Tutankhamun’s work, the...
Saʿd al-Dīn Ibrāhīm was born in Mansūrah, Egypt in 1938. He has been a highly controversial figure in Egypt for many years because of his strong stance on civil society, democracy and minority rights. In 2000, Ibrāhīm attracted international attention when he was arrested by Egyptian security along...
Ralph Donald Berenger was born in 1945 in North Dakota, U.S. Ralph Berenger has more than four decades of experience in public relations, print and broadcast media. From 1976-92, he was owner and publisher of three newspapers in Idaho, and general manager of a daily newspaper, one monthly and two...
Hāla Muṣṭafā was born in Egypt in 1958, although Muṣṭafā was appointed to be a member of the new Policies Committee of the National Democratic Party (NDP) in 2002, Muṣṭafā presents herself as an independent writer and thinker more than a party member. This commitment is reflected in her...
Āmīnah Wadūd; an African-American woman who was raised as a Christian by her father, a Methodist minister, converted to Islam in 1972. Āmīnah Wadūd is widely known for her strong engagement in Islamic feminism and along with other Islamic feminists, Wadūd fights for women’s complete and equal...


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