Displaying 61 - 70 of 273.
The first conference of the Middle East Freedoms Forum was held in Cairo under the title: “Where is Egypt heading?” The following lines present information about the participants and the main subjects that were discussed during the conference.
Mayy Samīr interviews Hans Küng, a Swiss theologian and author of a book entitled ’Islam: Past, Present and Future,’ in which he wrote about his personal viewpoint on Islam, and condemned Western campaigns against it.
Sāmī Ja‘far reports on a statement released by the Ibn Khaldun Center for Development Studies about the legal cases against Dr. Sa‘d al-Dīn Ibrāhīm.
The author presents an interview with Carolyn Ludwig, co-author of a new novel released by the American University in Cairo Press entitled, ‘The Churches of Egypt.’
The following text presents a number of the most popular Islamic Dā‘iyahs in the modern time.
A book entitled, ‘The Dispersion of Egyptian Jewry’ of the American Jewish professor Joel Beinin on the patriotic roles of the Jewish communities in Egypt has brought crisis at the level of the cultured figures in Egypt.
The court denies the American University in Cairo’s decision to prevent a woman wearing a Niqāb from accessing the library.
Ṭal‘at Jār Allāh believes the state’s rejection of Pope Shenouda nominations for the Shūrá Council’s elections was a letter to the Copts who wish to integrate into political life to stay away from the church and to separate religion and politics.
The article represents different opinions of many youth who have lost their confidence in men of religion because they believe that the new Fatwás issued by these men only serve politics.
The Supreme Administrative Court decided to uphold the judgment of the Administrative Judiciary Court issued in 2001 against the decision of AUC Dean’s Council to ban a girl wearing a Niqāb from entering the university’s library.


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