Displaying 91 - 100 of 273.
The Center for Arab-West Understanding presents its annual report for 2006, highlighting the objectives achieved and the goals for the upcoming year. 2006 was landmarked by growing toward the Center for Arab-West Understanding, and laying the basis for an electronic documentation center.
The article discusses the necessity of creating Arab-West understanding and encouraging constructive dialogue between the West and East. It highlights the role and stance of the Azhar University on international events.
Some clerics - shaykhs and priests - have suddenly turned into experts in economics, sociology, chemistry and physics as well as politicians who advise people to follow their opinions through Fatāwá, the observance of which is obedience to God and their breach considered apostasy.
Translation but not mentioned if summarized or not. Could it be a summarized translation? Answer yes or no   
Announcement of articles reported in this issue about Eastern in Egyptian churches. Workshop for Egyptian journalists that RNSAW is about to organise in cooperation with the Al-Ahram Regional Press Institute.
Article two of the Egyptian Constitution is not subject to the proposed constitutional amendments. It is, however, the main subject of heated arguments and discussions in Egyptian society. A debate was held at The American University in Cairo [AUC] about the proposed amendments.
Dr. Isaac Fānūs freely spoke his mind about the issues he found important. Dr. Fānūs was critical about ecclesiastical institutions and leadership, including those in his own Coptic Orthodox Church. In this interview religions are described as societal entities that humans have created and...
AWR’s last interview with the late Dr. Isaac Fānūs. Comments on self-censorship, such as that of Dr. Otto Meinardus’ differences in writing and saying, which makes it hard for students of the church in Egypt to get a good understanding of the church’s position. Father Basilius of the Monastery of...
The personal life of some famous reciters.
The author pays his respects to the passing of Fayek Matta Ishak, and highlights Ishak’s contributions to Coptic scholarly works, as well as his contributions to furthering the understanding of Coptic beliefs and traditions.


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