Displaying 101 - 110 of 273.
Jerry Falwell’s appearance in a 60 Minutes broadcast sparked international Islamic protest, political fallout, and a fatwa calling for his death. The article contains interviews with Islamic experts, Christian theologians, and observers to summarize the event and put it into perspective.
The U.S. plays an important role in the formation of Egyptian policy since the latter began receiving U.S. aid regardless of what the regime claims of its independence decision and sovereignty.
British author William Dalrymple showing rapid decline of Christianity in the Middle East. Episcopal Bishop Munīr Hanna Anis explaining the consequences of rumors in Muslim-Christian relations.
Saad Eddin Ibrahim’s lawyer presented a demand to release Saad Eddin for health reasons. Lawyers and intellectuals are also considering making a request to President Mubarak to stay the execution of the prison sentence. Officials demonstrated a positive sign to easing the crisis when they...
Egypt was angry about the stormy reactions that broke following the sentence given to Saad Eddin Ibrahim. The ruling renewed tension between Egypt and the U.S., which considers Ibrahim an American human rights activist. It condemned the ruling and started a new verbal war against the Cairo...
The Supreme Court of State Security continued the trial of Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim. Ibrahim is accused of receiving funds without having permission, bribing public officials, undermining the dignity of the state by broadcasting information having to do with its interests and deceiving foreign...
An assistant professor at the Faculty of Human Studies at the Azhar University obtained a court verdict against a decree of the American University in Cairo (AUC). The decree was issued following the events of September 11th, and prevented Niqāb-dressed women from entering the University.
Majdī Khalīl discusses the forced disappearance of Coptic girls. The claims around this phenomenon are not new, however it is being announced more frequently. Khalīl discusses the reasons why Coptic families are more often daring to announce the disappearance of their girls, and the reasons behind...
British historian William Dalrymple denounces the policies of London and Washington, and warns of the danger of the Western discrimination against Muslims and Islām.
The campaign against Saad Eddin Ibrahim and his committee has continued in the Egyptian media, following his referral to the high court of state security.


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