Displaying 121 - 130 of 273.
The author reports on and analyzes three issues connected to freedom of expression: the situation of the student Alā’, the movie ‘Ya‘qubyān Building’ and the controversial new press law.
The Islamic-Western dialogue should not be limited to intellectuals only. It should involve a wider range of both Islamic and Western societies.
Last Wednesday the European-Egyptian relations forum organized a workshop on ‘Cultural dialogue: the management of cultural problems with Europe.’ The workshop was held in the International Center for Future and Strategic Studies and discussed critical cultural issues that are...
‘Imād Basālī argues that the government’s culture of secrecy has disguised the true number of Copts in Egypt. While official statistics indicate that Copts constitute 7 to 10% of Egypt’s population, the Coptic Orthodox Church says that there are an estimated 10 million Copts in Egypt.
The author of the article reports on a poll conducted by the AUC’s Adham Center for Electronic Journalism gauging Arab journalists’ views on current events.
Rev. Dave Petrescue, senior pastor of the Maadi Community Church, passed away in tragic accident.
A controversial article on the growing Islamization of Egypt and the effect this has on the Coptic community.
Rose al-Yousuf devotes a file to the increasing phenomenon of the hijāb in Egypt.
The author reviews a visit paid by former Dutch Prime Minister Professor Andreas Van Agt to Egypt to launch the Center for Arab-West Understanding (CAWU), his lecture and his meetings with Egyptian officials, religious leaders and intellectuals.
The former prime minister of The Netherlands, Prof. Andreas Van Agt, is to launch Sunday the website of the Cairo -based Center for Intercultural Dialogue and Translation (CIDT) with former Egyptian ministers, Dr. Mamdouh al- Biltājī, Dr. Ahmad Juwīlī and Mr. Ahmad Māhir.


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