Displaying 111 - 120 of 273.
Al-Usbua published a file opposing Saad Eddin Ibrahim’s plans to monitor the coming elections under the title "No to dubious supervision. No to interference in Egypt’s affairs."
This article exposes the reasons for arresting Saad Eddin Ibrahim, Professor of sociology in the American University in Cairo and director of the Ibn Khaldoun Center for Developmental Studies, and the full details of his project. Some of the charges of which he was accused are implication in...
Amongst the opponents of the Niqāb is Dr. ‘Abd al- Mu‘tī Bayyūmī, the former dean of the Azhar’s Faculty of Fundamentals of Religion and a member of the Islamic Research Academy, who described the dress as the result of lack of knowledge of religion.
Drs. Hulsman responds to an article published in al-Usbū‘ which discusses the controversy over hiring Dr. Berenger, who the article refers to as an “American Jew.” Hulsman warns of the dangers of fallacious reporting, and the issues that it can create.
The author discusses the controversy surrounding the appointment of a Jewish- American academic to the Faculty of Mass Communication at Cairo University.
Drs. Cornelis Hulsman presented this text at the recent roundtable discussions of the European Institute of the Mediterranean, which were held on “Journalism and freedom of expression in the Mediterranean; responsibilities and limits.”
AWR is making good progress in building the Electronic Documentation Center. Growing interest and attention for AWR work.
Dr. Sa‘d al-Dīn Ibrāhīm was investigated because of his defence of the Muslim Brotherhood and for the series of articles he wrote for an Egyptian daily titled "The Ugly American."
The recent campaign of detaining a number of Muslim Brotherhood members has raised many questions about the possibility of arresting the Supreme Guide of the group, Muhammad Mahdī ‘Ākif, on charges of endangering national security and inciting the public against the government.
Ākhir Sā‘ah tackles the sensitive issues of identity, terrorism and citizenship in the light of the proposal of the National Assembly for Human Rights to remove religious data from identification cards. Religious authorities, intellectuals and law makers were asked their opinions about the...


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