Displaying 171 - 180 of 273.
A list of the questions submitted to Egyptians, concerning the article, written by Yustina Saleh on the second article of the Egyptian constitution.
Failure to separate religious texts from life cause the demise of intellect and makes life become a burden, according to the Syrian poet Adonis.
Head of the publishing department at the AUC, Nabīla ‘Aql, argues that the grand imām of the Azhar did not read the book he banned, Wahhabi Islam... From Revival and Reform to Global Jihad by American writer, Natana De Long-Bas, prior to issuing the ban.
After an elaborate praise of the pope the author lists violence directed against Copts. He rejected Egyptian media coverage that often describes violence as "unfortunate incidents,” "a clash provoked by both sides” and "acts of violence carried out by extremists from both sides”. Not once did they...
The author argues that not enough is being done to translate Arabic works into English, helping to introduce Westerners to Islam.
A few days ago, the Grand Imām of the Azhar, Shaykh Muhammad Sayyid Tantāwī issued a decision barring 15,000 American books from the American University in Cairo.
The AUC has called on Grand Imām of the Azhar, Shaykh Muhammad Sayyid Tantāwī, to back down on the decision to ban a book on Wahābī Islam in Egypt.
The Azhar has rejected a book, taught at the American University in Cairo, after it was found to contain many insults to Islam.
The Azhar has decided to ban a book on Islam taught at the American University in Cairo. The book, entitled "Wahabist Islam” is considered an attack Islam, contesting the validity of the Holy Qur’ān.
Jirjis Hilmī ‘Āzir discusses the thorny issue of Egyptian Christians converting to Islam.


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