Displaying 201 - 210 of 273.
I conducted this interview with Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim almost two months ago, but it was not complete. The atmosphere was very tense because he considered the questions a sort of an insult to him. Dr. Ibrahim calls for freedom and democracy all the time, so how can he get angry at a question,...
The Egyptian authorities barred two Muslim Brotherhood leaders from traveling overseas although their names were not blacklisted as banned from traveling by a judicial order. The students of the AUC protested yesterday in downtown Cairo urging the actions of political reforms, repeating the same...
Sacd al-Dīn Ibrāhīm, one of Egypt’s most prominent activists and human rights crusaders, has challenged his country’s leaders for most of his life. He was imprisoned from 2000 to 2003 on charges that were criticized internationally as being politically motivated. Ibrāhīm is writing his memoirs...
Reference to an article about the need to study violence in Egyptian society that is worth reading.
For Arab Christians, this Christmas my have been a time for introspection, but for Arab Muslims it was time for some serious thinking. The last holiday season more than any other in recent memory witnessed events of inclusions and exclusion, both sad and dramatic, symbolically.
Coptic Life in Egypt Claudia Yvonne Wiens, Introduction by Yousriya Loza Sawiris AUC press, 2003, 128 p While a number of photographic books on Egypt’s Christians have concentrated on the artistic and architectural heritage of the Copts, Coptic Life in Egypt focuses on the religious traditions and...
The article provides an overview of a book titled “Coptic Life in Egypt” released by the American University in Cairo. Claudia Yvonne Wiens, the author of the book, provides photos and comments on the social life, traditions, religious rituals of Copts [Egyptian Christians].
Christianity Today published a cover page article of Cornelis Hulsman about the Coptic Orthodox tradition of the Flight to Egypt. The article is presented in this issue of the RNSAW with permission of Christianity Today. You will find here the text before it was edited by Christianity Today. It is...
An expert in Al-Ahram Political and Strategic Studies Center said that the concept of political Islam appeared in the mid-seventies due to an American study on the Iranian Revolution and Khomeini. He added that Islamic groups are divided into two sections, namely, Islamic religious movements and...
The administration of the American University in Cairo (AUC) prevented a female researcher wearing the niqap from entering the University. The researcher brought an action against the university. The court ordered the annulling of the university’s decision. However, the legal affairs official in...


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