Displaying 11 - 20 of 33.
An article presenting clarification on a number of Qur’ānic verses referenced by Geert Wilders in his film ’Fitna.’
Wisām Muhammad provides an insight into her experience as an intern working with the Center for Intercultural Dialogue and Understanding. She describes her previous perceptions of the Western world, and how her work with AWR has helped to change her understanding, and further her commitment to...
In an interview with al-Wafd, Dr. Jamāl Rajab Sīdbī, a professor of Islamic philosophy at Suez Canal University who is also an assistant professor at the Faculty of Education, in Nizwa, Oman, discusses the recent escalation in tensions between Islām and the West.
Islam promotes and celebrates diversity of mankind. had God wanted all people to believe in one religion, He would have made it so.
Angry reactions to Pope Benedict’s remarks on Islam and the Prophet Muhammad continued for a second week. Some Muslim figures, including Iranian President Ahmadinejad and Malaysian Prime Minister ‘Abd Allāh Ahmad Badawī, have accepted the pope’s regret at the furious reactions to his remarks...
Muhammad ‘Imarah compares the difference between the Islamic model of Arabic culture and the secular model of Western culture.
[The RNSAW received this text from Dr. Abu Zayd for placement in the RNSAW. The text was first presented during a conference in June in Berlin, Germany] Since the occupation of Egypt by Bonaparte in 1798 Muslims have had to address the issue of secularization. Some Muslim thinkers believe Islam...
The article reports about a part of a TV program titled Q&A broadcast by the CNN in which the Karen Armstrong, the author of the book “Islam…A short history” provided answers to five questions raised about Islam by Americans. The Egyptian TV hosted Islamic preacher Dr. Muhammad Abu Lela in...
The International Islamic Council for Da´awa [preaching] called for an international Islamic-Christian dialogue conference in Libya. The slogan of the conference was “know one another” Participants presented and studied many papers about the concept of “knowing one another” as one of the...
The writer discusses with the Mufti of Eritrea the issue of Muslim-non-Muslim relations [Editor: Eritrea is about 50% Muslim and 50% Christian, relations between Muslims and Christians in the country are generally very good].


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