Displaying 1 - 10 of 33.
Al-Azhar’s booth at the 55th edition of the Cairo International Book Fair (CIBF) is offering visitors the book ‘Children Asking the Imām,’ which contains answers for 38 questions by children as part of the publications of the Nūr book series.
The Grand Muftī of Egypt, Dr. Shawqī ʿAllām, emphasized the profound responsibility of religious leaders, scholars, and preachers in enhancing the ethical and spiritual values as advocated by divine religions. This, he asserted, is crucial to stopping violence, wars, and attacks on the vulnerable.
Dr. Hans Jansen has long played a role fuelling Islamophobia in the West. I understand his views on Islam have been greatly influenced by the writings and arguments of extremists. It is sad that such extremists have based their views on the Qur’an, Sīra and Sunna. I am pleased Cornelis Hulsman has...
Many non-religious people in the West tend to believe religious people are irrational. Their view of religious Muslims is often even less favorable. They are, unjustly, often associated with religious extremism. Ignorance of the great diversity that we find in all religions as well as their...
The identity of Muslim women in post-colonial Egypt has largely been marginalized in the transition to modernity.
In a conference in Istanbul, Grand Mufti Dr. ‘Alī Jum‘ah said that Islam is completely against discrimination of all kinds and that religious faith should not be a reason for people to be enemies. He said that Islam’s view on the Abrahamic religions is one of cooperation, integration, and common...
Muslims have learned from the Qur’ān that people are different and that this difference is necessary to enrich the human experience.
Dr. Zaqzūq stresses the need to enter into genuine interreligious dialogue on a cultural basis rather than a materialistic and technological one. Technology and scientific development should be a means of communication between the different nations of the world; differences, however, should be a...
Jamāl al-Bannā calls for encouraging translations from foreign languages in order to be able to cope with the world’s most updated knowledge.
The article reports on statements of the Coptic businessman Najīb Sawirus, in which he has commented on the platform of the Muslim Brotherhood’s proposed party. Sawirus opposed the group’s inclinations to eliminate non-Muslims and womens’ political rights to run for presidency.


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