Displaying 1 - 10 of 96.
Intercultural and interreligious dialogue brought Cornelis Hulsman from a conservative Christian Reformed bubble in the Netherlands to a deeply ecumenical attitude, refraining from absolutist statements about faith since any religion is the outcome of a human search for meaning in life.
In 2020, we needed for the renewal of Missio support a letter of recommendation of either the Apostolic Vicar in Egypt, the Apostolic Nuncio or the Coptic Catholic Patriarch. The previous recommendation had come from Bishop Adel Zaky, O.F.M., in function from September 1, 2009, until he sadly...
In 2020, we needed for the renewal of Missio support a letter of recommendation of either the Apostolic Vicar in Egypt, the Apostolic Nuncio or the Coptic Catholic Patriarch. The previous recommendation had come from Bishop Adel Zaky, O.F.M., in function from September 1, 2009, until he sadly...
This article was written with the purpose of exploring the overlapping interests between MISEREOR & CIDT/CAWU, which, in my view, explains the many years of cooperation between MISEREOR & CIDT/CAWU. This paper provides a brief overview of both parties, their goals and achievements, and...
Background: Christiaan van Nispen, S.J. (Father Dr.) talks about Shaykh Jād al-Ḥaq ‘Alī Jād al-Ḥaq, Grand Imam of Al-Azhar from 1982 to his death on March 15, 1996, and prominent Islamic cleric Muḥammad al-Ghazālī (September 22, 1917- March 9, 1996), and their influences on the Egyptian State and...
Background: The following tape is of a radiobroadcast by the Evangelische Omroep (Evangelical Broadcasting Company). The radiobroadcast is of an interview with Shaykh Yūsuf al-Badrī and another interview with Father Dr. Christiaan van Nispen on al-Badrī’s views on Christians. Al-Badrī has made...
Background: Father Christiaan van Nispen tot Sevenaer (15.3.1938 – 12.5.2016) was a Jesuit priest and had been in Egypt since 1962. Van Nispen had a PhD in Islam which he received in Serbonne, Paris. Besides his PhD, he also studied Philosphy and Islam and had been active in the formation within...
Background: The following tape concerns a recording for an EO radiobroadcast of Cornelis Hulsman interviewing a Jordan politician; ʿAbd al-Raʾūf al-Rawābdah in 1995; he became the Prime Minister of Jordan in 1999. The interview is in regards to the Jordan-Israeli peace settlements. The rest of the...
Background: The matter concerned is dialogue, including the 3 levels of dialogue: (1) daily life; (2) the socio-political aspect; and (3) the religious aspect. Father Christiaan van Nispen tot Sevenaer (15.3.1938 – 12.5.2016) and Egyptian Muslim Āshraf al-Khaṭāb are asked to share their viewpoints...
Background: The Muslim Brotherhood (al-Ikhwān al-Muslimīn) is an international Sunni Islamist group founded by Ḥasan al-Bannā in 1928. Although, originally the movement claimed to be against violence, it has been accused of many alleged terrorist attacks, and is banned in Egypt as well as...


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