Displaying 1 - 5 of 5.
The information al-Arabi provided about Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim does not match other reports. The Al-Arabi article strongly gives the impression it is intended on character assassination.
In the coming International Frankfurt Book Fair, which will start on October 6, 2004, “Coptic Life in Egypt,” will be shown. The author and the photographer of the book is Claudia Wiens. The book is published by the American University in Cairo Press.
Coptic Life in Egypt Claudia Yvonne Wiens, Introduction by Yousriya Loza Sawiris AUC press, 2003, 128 p While a number of photographic books on Egypt’s Christians have concentrated on the artistic and architectural heritage of the Copts, Coptic Life in Egypt focuses on the religious traditions and...
The article provides an overview of a book titled “Coptic Life in Egypt” released by the American University in Cairo. Claudia Yvonne Wiens, the author of the book, provides photos and comments on the social life, traditions, religious rituals of Copts [Egyptian Christians].
This article speaks about the different apparitions of the Holy Virgin that were reported to have taken place in the Church of Saint Mark in Assiut, last year, and in the Holy Virgin monastery at Durunka, this year. At the end of the article, the author raises questions about this apparition.
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