Displaying 1 - 10 of 11.
The Salafī Front has stated that it is not Islamically permissible for Muslims to congratulate Copts on their religious festivals and that attending the Church to offer congratulations would be a “sin”. This is in response to an invitation from the Coptic Church to President Mursī to attend a...
News websites and satellite channels have been deliberating a video clip in which Salafī preacher Ahmad Muhammad ‘Abdullah – known as “Abū Islām” states that “90 percent” of women who have been subjected to harassment or rape in Tahrir Square are “crusaders, widows, or inappropriately dressed women...
A source from the Coptic Orthodox Church revealed efforts by Church leaders in recent days to mobilize other Churches to boycott national dialogue as a result of major disagreements about the election law because of the exclusion of a proposal for affirmative action to ensure that Copts gain seats...
Azhar Senior Scholars will convene an emergency meeting tomorrow (February 11), headed by Grand Shaykh of the Azhar Ahmad al-Tayyīb, to choose a new Muftī of the Republic to replace Dr. 'Alī Jum'ah. whose mandate will end in March 2013. A number of 25 professors of the Azhar have nominated...
Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II described Egypt’s new Constitution as racist and discriminatory against Copts. In an interview with The Associated Press, quoted by The Washington Post, he said that a Constitution which is religiously orientated is, in itself, racist. He also criticized comments by...
The Azhar's initiative for dialogue "Family House" or "Bayt al-‘Aylah" called on President Muhammad Mursī to freeze the recently issued Constitutional declaration and to engage in dialogue with national powers as soon as possible in order to bring Egypt out of its current crisis.  It also called on...
President Muhammad Mursī addressed the people of Egypt in a speech in which he expressed his grief at the loss of innocent lives in the clashes which have taken place over the last two days. He emphasised that he has a duty to all Egyptians, regardless of their political affiliation or religion,...
The Azhar appealed to all Egyptians to vote in the upcoming referendum over the Constitution in accordance with their religious and national conscience, calling this a “national duty”. In a speech yesterday, the Azhar called for the referendum to be carried out peacefully and for the avoidance of...
‘Izbit al-Najārīn, an area belonging to the Masārrah village of Dayrūt, and home to 3,000 Copts, has been under threat from a gang led by a man named Jabrūt K ("J.K."). The gang has been threatening to kidnap villagers’ children if they do not pay ransom money. The situation began at the beginning...
Copts in Dayrūt of Asyut Governorate are terrified following repeated attacks by groups of thugs.  In one instance, in Masārrah village (Dayrūt), thugs demanded payment from Copts, threatening to kidnap their sons, seize their land, and rape their women if they refused to pay. Human rights activist...


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