Displaying 31 - 40 of 228.
Dr. Aḥmad Karīma, Professor of Comparative Jurisprudence at al-Azhar University, said that gloating over the death of a person, regardless of their beliefs and opinions, is prohibited according to the Islamic Law [Sharia].
Considerable debate has arisen regarding the application ‘My Heritage’ which has recently gained popularity throughout social media sites. Through the app, users can move the face and features of a photo image, and many have been using it to animate photos of their deceased relatives to make them...
Dr. Ibrāhīm Nijm, senior advisor to the Grand Mufti of Egypt, revealed some of the projects that the Dār al-Iftāʾ has included in its five-year plan such as a cell-phone application for fatwas and a department composed of female researchers to answer questions about women’s issues and increase...
“It is forbidden to give zakāt to non-Muslims.”  The Egyptian Dār al-Iftāʾ released a fatwa [fatwā] a few days ago that caused controversy between Muslims and Copts in Egypt.  Egyptians were divided on social media with some rejecting and some supporting the fatwā.  The controversy about the fatwā...
Shaykh Ramaḍān ʿAbd al-Muʿiz in al-Azhar garb sat among some men of the armed forces, telling them about the moderate nature of Islam and exonerating Ibn Taymiyya from the takfiris’ usage of his fatwas [fatwā].  The scene came in episode 20 of the television series “The Choice,” which tells the...
Al-Azhar’s Observatory for Combating Extremism stated that extremist organizations are not hesitating to take advantage of global events and use them to serve their nefarious interests by broadcasting their propaganda on social media.  This is not new for Dāʿish [Islamic State]; it is always...
Amid the inauguration of several development projects in Alexandria, the statements of president ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī about the demolition of illegally built mosques came to discuss the religious ruling on building mosques on farmland and usurped land. 
The religious discourse that Islamic political groups, like the Muslim Brotherhood spread, includes problems of adopting fatwas [fatwā] for political legitimacy and subjecting the foundations of democracy to historically religious concepts. 
Coptic pages on social media have been circulating the opinion of Bishop Raphael [Rāfāʾīl], bishop of the churches of downtown Cairo, on the suicide and sexual orientation of Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazy [Sārah Ḥijāzī]. 
On Saturday, al-Azhar issued a fatwa declaring it unlawful to insult the victims of Coronavirus, explaining that those who died from the disease are considered martyrs. al-Azhar Fatwa Global Center said that being infected with the virus is not a sin or a crime. 


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