Displaying 101 - 110 of 902.
Editor: Muslims prayed at Tahrir Square. This was followed today by a Christian prayer at Tahrir Square. This prompted our board member Dr. Amin Makram Ebeid to visit Tahrir Square for the first time the demonstrations started. The following is his report.   My wife Jailane and I accompanied my son...
I visited Egypt with a Christian delegation between January 21 and February 4. It was remarkable to see banners throughout Egypt with texts about Muslim-Christian unity. No one, however, knew whether these were just words or not but in the days following the revolt, which began on January 25,...
  Jayson Casper previews the "Day of Wrath," a protest by Egyptian opposition parties that corresponds with Egypt's Police Day holiday...      
Muhammad al-Misrī, a former professor of computer engineering at the University of Waterloo, begins his commentary on the Alexandria bombing with a reflection on his childhood days spent in Cairo’s predominantly Christian district of Shubra. He thereupon proclaims his conviction that “Egypt’s...
This article introduces the suggestion of Grand Shaykh of the Azhar, Ahmad al-Tayyib, to develop a "Family Home" iniatitive, which aims to create an atmosphere of mutual cooperation and hospitality between Egypt's Muslims and Christians. The initiative will deal with various faith-related issues...
During his lecture at the Egyptian Society for Culture and Dialogue, Islamic thinker Dr. Muhammed Salīm al-‘Awwā called upon Muslims to hold on to their Arab heritage. He argued that the Copts' severe and often brutal mistreatment during the Roman Empire led them to perceive Muslims as potential...
This article reports that Coptic Christmas celebrations on January 7 went about as usual, with no reports of any trouble. The holiday comes a week after a deadly church bombing in Alexandria. Many Muslims also attended Christmas mass out of solidarity with their Christian countrymen. In the...
In mosques across the region on Friday, Muslim clerics preached tolerance and called for Muslim/Christian unity against acts of terrorism. "Such crimes, which do not differentiate between Muslim and Christian or between a man and a woman, were rejected by the Prophet," says Egypt's Grand Muftī ‘Alī...
Egypt's Muslims showed solidarity with their Coptic brothers and sisters during Christmas celebrations. Many attended Christmas services across the country; others gathered in the street in support of national unity. This article in the Egyptian Gazette reports that Pope Shenouda led mass at Saint...
Muslims celebrated alongside Christians at Coptic masses in churches nationwide on Thursday night, as extra security measures were taken after the New Year's attack on a church in Alexandria. Pope Shenouda led mass at St. Mark's Cathedral in Cairo, which witnessed the presence of Muslim statesmen...


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