Displaying 11 - 20 of 95.
A delegation comprised of 13 bishops and priests who represent all Christian denominations in Britain, as well as some Christian laymen, will pay a 10 day visit to Cairo to study the history of the Coptic Church, as well as visit monasteries and some Pharaonic monuments.
While all Egyptians seem to agree on the importance of applying principles of citizenship and equality, and while everyone is calling for a more active role in political situations and the less political nature of religious institutions, many still argue about amending article two of the...
After the Muslim Brotherhood announced their plan to change the ‘banned’ group into a legal political party, many voices were raised in an evaluation of the group’s role in the political life throughout its history.
Sāmih Fawzī presents a review of a book entitled, ‘Al-Hurrīyah fī -al-Asr Ma’zaq al-Islāh al-Siyāsī wa-al-Muwātanah’ [Bounded Freedom: The Dilemma of Politics and Citizenship] by the secular writer ‘Ādil Jindī. The book provides a definition of secularism, emphasizing the necessity of enforcing it...
The general counselor of the Brotherhood does not believe the government responded to their success in the recent parliamentary elections through the severe and unjustified verdict of the Military Court in the case of professional syndicates. Two Egyptian human rights organizations requested...
The victory of the Moslem Brotherhood in the recent parliamentary elections in which they obtained 17 seats created many speculations about what they would do in the future, especially after they announced their intention to form a new political party. al-Musawar discarded the possibility of...
Al-Hayat, praised the Muslim Brotherhood for backing the Coptic candidate of the Wafd Party in the Waili district. The author of the article described the group’s attitude as "a new step towards an opening to other political powers and an attempt to extend the group’s efficient political tendencies...
In an interview with the author, the head of the U.S. Copts Association, Michael Meunier, discusses his future political plans in Egypt.
Prominent poet and thinker Adūnīs gave a lecture at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina on a new ideological perspective of his book entitled, ‘Al-Thābit wa-al-Mutahawwi’ [The Constant and the Variable], published in Beirut in 1972.
This article gives definitions of the main religious parties and movements that have role in political life in the Middle East region.


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