Date of source: Saturday, February 4, 2006 to Friday, February 10, 2006
In an interview, renowend writer Salāh ‘Īsa stresses elections as one of the tools of democracy. He believes that if Islamists come to power in any Arab country, they will amalgamate with other political powers and ultimately they will become secular parties with Islamic titles.
Date of source: Sunday, January 22, 2006
In the last parliamentary elections, there were attempts to twist the laws and exploit religion and religious slogans for political gains, a matter that calls for a firm pause. As for the Copts, some say they should have a larger representation in various dimensions of the government. Many...
Date of source: Monday, January 23, 2006
In an interview, Major General Fou’ād ‘Allām, who spent over 25 years in the State Security Investigations Authority, states that the Muslim Brotherhood are liars, that some members of the NDP are working against the state’s interests and that unless the opposition parties improve their political...
Date of source: Wednesday, January 18, 2006
On the 52nd anniversary of the 1954 proclamation dissolving the Muslim Brotherhood, Khālid Mahmoud Ramadān writes that the clear political platform of Egypt’s largest opposition group has secured it an unprecedented 88 seats in parliament.
Date of source: Wednesday, January 11, 2006
In an interview with Ākhir Sā‘a, Muslim thinker Dr. Muhammad Salīm al-‘Awwā has dismissed the possibility of having a religious state in Egypt for a number reasons.
Date of source: Thursday, January 12, 2006
The Cairo-based al-Kalima Center for Human Rights has issued its annual report on the political events of 2005, including syndicate, presidential and parliamentary elections. The report calls for respecting the rights of religious minorities in Egypt, including Shiites, Bahā’īs and Qur’ānīs.
Date of source: Saturday, December 3, 2005 to Friday, December 9, 2005
Shoura Council Speaker Safwat al-Sharīf has received an official notice from lawyer Nabīh al-Wahsh calling for denying the Bahā’is any chance to set up a political party in Egypt.
Date of source:
Many people believe that Muslim Brotherhood, after winning an unprecedented number of seats in the recent parliamentary elections, will go on to establish a religious state or the neo-Islamic Caliphate in Egypt has been its dream since it first saw the light of day.
Date of source: Friday, September 23, 2005
Mamdouh Nakhla, who submitted a proposal to establish a Coptic party, answers questions about the objectives of such a party.
Date of source: Friday, September 23, 2005
Coptic and Islamic thinkers react to the plan to establish a Coptic party.