Displaying 31 - 40 of 95.
Before he traveled to the US, Pope Shenouda III talked to al-Ahrām about the next presidential elections and discussed many issues in Egypt and abroad.
Is Arabic society sick? Yes it is. Admitting this is not a sign of defeat or pessimism. It is self-condemnation. We need to take a deep look into the illness to find the cure.
Some people think that the Muslim Brothers have been successful in proving themselves in the political arena in Egypt. They may have paid a price, but to them, it is well worth it. They surprised everyone by organizing unprecedented protests in 18 governances involving 70,000 protestors on...
The closing chapter of the Islamic party story in Egypt ostensibly signals a happy ending, thanks to Nazīh Farīd Tanāghou, a Coptic judge and deputy of the State Council chairman. The Legation Authority, affiliated to the Egyptian Political Parties Court, gave “al-Wasat al-Jadīd” (the new middle)...
Jamāl ‘Abd al-Malāk, the former former deputy speaker of the parliament said that the Muslim Brotherhood and other groups are responsible for not effecting political changes at times like these. While he opposed creating a Christian party, a party for the Brotherhood can be created under certain...
The American Middle East Research Center assigned a large group of researchers to follow up the Islamic cause. American journalist Caryle Murphy issued the first study about the future of political Islam in Egypt and the whole world. She traces the change in the approaches of Islamic groups, such...
Farid Abdel Khaliq is the most important leading figure of the Brotherhood. He stresses that the group is not a political power but a Da´awa-oriented group. He does not oppose the establishment of a Coptic party but without calling for applying the Christian teachings. He believes that the...
The author argues that an official memo, dated January 17, 2006, sent by member of the Arab/Israel and North Africa Group, Julie McGregor to the British Middle East Minister, Kim Howells, on a proposed British engagement with the Muslim Brotherhood, has been "purposely leaked" to the press.
The author reviews a book by a Muslim Brotherhood member called Mahmoud al-Sabbāgh. The book, the author says, contains the ideology of the group about killing enemies of Islam, as examples of assassination allowed by the Prophet Muhammad were cited by al-Sabbāgh.
The author presents some views of security personalities and other experts regarding Islamic groups’ manipulation of democracy.


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