Displaying 61 - 70 of 95.
There are arguments among the Copts about the call for the Misr Al-Umm [Mother Egypt] Party by some intellectuals who claimed that secularism respects and deepens national unity. But Coptic intellectuals emphasize that national unity has nothing to do with the principles of that call, which is...
The opinion of political writer Hussain Abdel Raziq, the secretary general of the Tagammu Party, was different from other leaders of the Tagammu and most of its members. When the Tagammu was discussing the attitude it should adopt toward groups that claim to represent political Islam, Abdel...
Al-Wafd continues discussing the attitude of Islamic movements towards the issues of democracy, the disavowing of violence and turning to peaceful action. During the last few years, attempts to establish two Islamic political parties, Al-Islah Party [Reformation Party] and Al- Sharia Party [Sharia...
The forming of a religion-based political party in Egypt is just like setting a fuel tank on fire and would never serve political stability and economic development.
Dr. Khālid al-Za‘farānī, a former key figure of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, out of the blue announced plans to apply to the Parties’ Affairs Committee for setting up Hizb al-Islāh wa al-‘Adāla wa al-Tanmīya [the Reform, Justice and Development Party, which he described as a “new democratic popular...
Khālid al-Za‘farānī, a former member of the Brotherhood and secretary general of the frozen Labor Party, announced the establishment of a new party under the name Hizb al-Islāh wa al-‘Adāla wa al-Tanmīya [Reform, Justice and Development, and said would go through the paper work for his party soon...
A delegation from the US Embassy in Cairo recently paid a visit to the Upper Egyptian city. First Secretary Ian McCary said in a number of statements to reporters that he supports the recent wave of protests in Egypt. He said that he calls for more freedom for the Copts and church building, noting...
We are facing a current phenomenon about the appearance of religious parties clad in political attire during a fragile time of political reform
Dr. Nasr Hāmid Abu Zayd speaks to Al-cArabī about some recent critical issues including his expectations for this year’s presidential elections.
The author comments on political life based on religion. He gives the example of Algeria and Lebanon, where everything is taken from a religion-related perspective. He then moves to Egypt where the Muslim Brotherhood are asking to form an Islamic party and where some extremist Copts are asking to...


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