Displaying 251 - 260 of 934.
Fu’ād ‘Alām talks about the relations between security services and the Muslim Brotherhood. He denies the torture to death of Kamāl al- Sinānīrī and blames the leadership of the Brotherhood for concocting a fake crisis about his file out of self-protection.
The author contemplates the announcements of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Mahdī ‘Ākif of dropping the secret organisation and assesses its current change in political discourse.
The author vehemently attacks the Muslim Brotherhood and divulges their “devilish” plans to recruit new university students into the organization.
This article says that the agreement reached between Sāmih ‘āshūr’s supporters and the Muslim Brotherhood is only temporary, because the Brotherhood is unable to manage the bloc by itself.
Muhammad Mahdī ‘Ākif stirred controversy by suggesting the existence of a private Brotherhood army while at the same time causing friction within the ruling National Democratic Party with his recent statements.
Egyptian television prevents presenting any series that includes actresses who wear the hijāb.
The author writes about an iftār banquet hosted by the Muslim Brotherhood group in which the invited number of public dignitaries could reach 1700.
Yesterday, the 80-year-old member of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Guidance Office, Shaykh Lāshīn Abū Shanab, was discharged by the Misdemeanor Court of Misr al-Jadīdah, East Cairo, and placed under house arrest for health reasons.
This article discusses violence in Islam from the Caliph ‘Uthmān Ibn ‘Ufān to the Muslim Brotherhood. Religion and holy texts have been taken as pretexts to commit murder in the name of God and Islam.
Following a series of controversial statements that aroused the anger of many Egyptians, the Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood, Muhammad Mahdī ‘Ākif, was recently quoted as allegedly inciting the murder of Arab leaders during an interview with a national newspaper.


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