AWR Policy |
Azām [Adam Qādan] Armenia |
Azīm Mannāf (co-author: Islam and the 15th hijrī century) |
Bibāwī, N. L. Asharah Muskilāt lil Aqbāt fī Misr |
Bishop Marqus (Shubrā al-Khaymah, Cairo) |
Bishop Mattias, Bishop of Mahallah |
Book reviews on Islamic themes |
Books about al-Jamā'ah al-Islāmīyah |
Books about al-Qāʿida |
Books about Jihād [organization] |
Books about the Catholic Church |
Books about women's issues |
Calls to use violence |
Celebrating Shamm al-nasīm |
Church fathers (until 451 AD) (see also 13.1.8) |
Coptic Orthodox Diocesan Bishops |
Council of Scientific Research |
Danish cartoons (October 2005) |
Discrimination of Christians in Self-Employment |
Discussion about Law of Associations (NGO law) |
Discussion about underage marriage |
Discussions about applying the law in land conflicts/land appropriation |
Discussions about dār al-harb and dār al-salām |
Discussions about drinking Pepsi |
Discussions about excommunications of clergymen or laymen |
Discussions about the registration of the uniform of clergymen |
Discussions about the term 'minority' |
Discussions about whether the 1952 Revolution was anti-religious |
Dr. Ismāīl al-Diftār |
Ed McNeely, Rev |
Education in the Arab/Islamic World |
Egyptian-American Relations |
Esposito, John (1940-) |
Faculty of language and Translation |
Fallaci, Oriana, The Force of Reason (2004) |
Father Ghubriyāl Abd al-Masīh (al-Kushh) |
Fayyum |
Fine Arts |
Freedom of the Press |
Georgius al-Samūīlī |
Germany |
Hamas (Ḥamās) |
Hamāyūnī Article |
Health treatment with Qur'ān recitation |
Higher State Security Court(s) |
Ibn Khaldun Center and court rulings in relation to it |
Independence till President Hafiz al-Assad (1946-1971) |
Influence of Jamāʿah al-Islāmīyah on professional syndicates |
Isām al-ʿIryān |
islamic economy |
Islamic preachers in the West |
Jafān Shahdurt, Take off the Hijāb |
Jakarta, Indonesia (2003) |
Jehovah Witnesses |
Jewish antiquities in Arab countries |
Kuwait |
Layālī al-Hilmiyah ( Dream Nights), Series |
Lutheran Churches |
Macedonian Orthodox Church |
Mahfūz, Alī |
Majdī Husayn, 1999 |
Malaysia |
Mamlukes (1250-1517) |
Messianic Jews/ Christian Jews |
Middle East Christian Outreach (MECO) |
Ministry of Health |
Misr al Umm party |
Monastery of Mari Girgis Khatātbah |
Morality |
Muḥammad Ḥasan (Mohammed Hasan) |
Muhammad Jibrīl |
Muslim Brotherhood organizations |
Mustafā Kāmil |
Numbers about church growth |
Opposition to the division of Manfalūt bishopric (2005) |
Other Orthodox churches |
Ottomans (1517-1798) |
Patmos, Greater Cairo |
Post- Arab Spring Elections (2012-2014) |
Press freedom-SEE media/freedom |
Prior, M. The Bible and Colonialism |
Qur'ānis |
Rebuilding the nation (2003-) |
Robbery of the national bank in al-Marāghah (2000) |
Salāh Hāfiz |
Samīr Marqus |
Sanā’ Lahzī, alleged kidnapping, Minya (1996) |
Schools run by the Muslim Brotherhood |
Sharīah (Islamic Law)in relation to the constitution and civil law |
Showing favor or understanding for the US-led involvement in Iraq |
Soldiers of the Cross |
Takris movement |
Tanweer Islamic Center |
The Democratic Front Party, Usāmah Ghazālī Harb |
The Pentacost |
Tunisian Jewish community |
Wajīh Ibrāhīm |
Web Links to Arab-Catholic Churches |
Western scholars involved in Arab-West or Muslim-Christian understanding |