AWR Index

AWR Policy
Azām [Adam Qādan] Armenia
Azīm Mannāf (co-author: Islam and the 15th hijrī century)
Bibāwī, N. L. Asharah Muskilāt lil Aqbāt fī Misr
Bishop Marqus (Shubrā al-Khaymah, Cairo)
Bishop Mattias, Bishop of Mahallah
Book reviews on Islamic themes
Books about al-Jamā'ah al-Islāmīyah
Books about al-Qāʿida
Books about Jihād [organization]
Books about the Catholic Church
Books about women's issues
Calls to use violence
Celebrating Shamm al-nasīm
Church fathers (until 451 AD) (see also 13.1.8)
Coptic Orthodox Diocesan Bishops
Council of Scientific Research
Danish cartoons (October 2005)
Discrimination of Christians in Self-Employment
Discussion about Law of Associations (NGO law)
Discussion about underage marriage
Discussions about applying the law in land conflicts/land appropriation
Discussions about dār al-harb and dār al-salām
Discussions about drinking Pepsi
Discussions about excommunications of clergymen or laymen
Discussions about the registration of the uniform of clergymen
Discussions about the term 'minority'
Discussions about whether the 1952 Revolution was anti-religious
Dr. Ismāīl al-Diftār
Ed McNeely, Rev
Education in the Arab/Islamic World
Egyptian-American Relations
Esposito, John (1940-)
Faculty of language and Translation
Fallaci, Oriana, The Force of Reason (2004)
Father Ghubriyāl Abd al-Masīh (al-Kushh)
Fine Arts
Freedom of the Press
Georgius al-Samūīlī
Hamas (Ḥamās)
Hamāyūnī Article
Health treatment with Qur'ān recitation
Higher State Security Court(s)
Ibn Khaldun Center and court rulings in relation to it
Independence till President Hafiz al-Assad (1946-1971)
Influence of Jamāʿah al-Islāmīyah on professional syndicates
Isām al-ʿIryān
islamic economy
Islamic preachers in the West
Jafān Shahdurt, Take off the Hijāb
Jakarta, Indonesia (2003)
Jehovah Witnesses
Jewish antiquities in Arab countries
Layālī al-Hilmiyah ( Dream Nights), Series
Lutheran Churches
Macedonian Orthodox Church
Mahfūz, Alī
Majdī Husayn, 1999
Mamlukes (1250-1517)
Messianic Jews/ Christian Jews
Middle East Christian Outreach (MECO)
Ministry of Health
Misr al Umm party
Monastery of Mari Girgis Khatātbah
Muḥammad Ḥasan (Mohammed Hasan)
Muhammad Jibrīl
Muslim Brotherhood organizations
Mustafā Kāmil
Numbers about church growth
Opposition to the division of Manfalūt bishopric (2005)
Other Orthodox churches
Ottomans (1517-1798)
Patmos, Greater Cairo
Post- Arab Spring Elections (2012-2014)
Press freedom-SEE media/freedom
Prior, M. The Bible and Colonialism
Rebuilding the nation (2003-)
Robbery of the national bank in al-Marāghah (2000)
Salāh Hāfiz
Samīr Marqus
Sanā’ Lahzī, alleged kidnapping, Minya (1996)
Schools run by the Muslim Brotherhood
Sharīah (Islamic Law)in relation to the constitution and civil law
Showing favor or understanding for the US-led involvement in Iraq
Soldiers of the Cross
Takris movement
Tanweer Islamic Center
The Democratic Front Party, Usāmah Ghazālī Harb
The Pentacost
Tunisian Jewish community
Wajīh Ibrāhīm
Web Links to Arab-Catholic Churches
Western scholars involved in Arab-West or Muslim-Christian understanding
